Why oh why hasn't anyone warned or prepared me for the second dosage of senioritis that I--along with all of the other seniors across the country--are suffering through. I was under the impression that senioritis was exclusively related to high school, but I was DEAD WRONG. If you're not quite sure what senioritis is, or if you think you might have come down with a bad case of it, let me break down for you what this horrid disease actually is.
At the moment senioritis feels like the bane of my existence. I don't feel like doing ANYTHING. Homework assignments--why bother? Studying for tests/quizzes--why are my professors tormenting me? Anything at all that requires even minimal effort I just don't have the mental energy to conquer it at this point in my academic career.
According to urban dictionary, senioritis can be defined as "A crippling disease that strikes high school [and college] seniors. Symptoms include: laziness, and over-excessive wearing of track pants, old athletic shirts, sweatpants, athletic shorts, and sweatshirts. Also features a lack of studying, repeated absences, and a generally dismissive attitude. The only known cure is a phenomenon known as graduation." Come to think of it...I am on campus wearing sweats, moccasins, and rocking a messy bun while writing this article, and I've ran out of absences in all of my classes...
The calendars are marked, the timers set, and the countdown begins as the days until all of your hard work has paid off and that well earned diploma is placed in your hands. However, unlike being a senior in high school, where as I recall it was a very laid back year, where there wasn't really any consequences for letting senioritis take over...college is not like that. Senior year of college is like this meme:
The assignments are piling up, those senior requirements like audits, portraits, and your senior thesis are right around the corner, and you are having your fifth mental breakdown of the day. Because let's be real, procrastination and senioritis are BFF's who go hand in hand. You're finally starting to reach the limit on your emotional/mental capacity and just need to take the longest nap to feel even just a little bit better.
Just know that you are not alone. There are millions of seniors across hundreds of universities all over the entire country who are feeling the same levels of stress and anxiety that you are. Not knowing what the future holds can be daunting, but just know that the goal you have been working towards for the past four years is finally in your grasp. Keep pushing through your senioritis because you didn't work this hard to throw it all away, and I'll see you in six months at graduation!