People always say, “Life is too short,” or “Don’t take anything for granted.” Well, how many people do you think actually live their life to the fullest, knowing that every day could be their last? If I could bet, I would say not many. Until one is given notice that they won’t be around much longer, that person will be living just like everyone else: caught up in every single thing that means nothing when you think about your life as a whole.
Even if you’ve experienced the sudden loss of someone close to you, you’ll eventually put to the back of your mind the fact that we have so little time on this Earth. We get so invested in things that don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. We fight with our loved ones, not realizing that those angry words could be the last ones they hear. No one can get along all the time, but what we can do is to take care in how we treat our friends and families, pets and teachers, and even strangers on the street in our daily lives. Learn to drop grudges, forgive and let go, because I promise you will regret removing someone from your life or hurting another if having them with you ceased to be an option. Figure out whom you love and who loves you, and fight like hell to keep them in your life, no matter what.
Hugh Dillon once said, “Life is too short to spend in negativity. So, I have made a conscious effort to not be where I don't want to be.” How many things do we do that impact the road our lives take and keep us from reaching our full potential? So many people are miserable because of things they can change. If you hate your job, you’re not happy in your relationship, you want to move to a new place, or even if you just really want a dog, make that change. Make every change possible to ensure the happiness of yourself and those around you, because you can, because there’s no reason to be living miserably when you know exactly what it would take to lift you up.
Hating others for who they are, whether it’s due to race, gender, self-identification, employment, sexual orientation, taste in music, political views, religious preference, or anything else, it’s not worth it. Spend the time you would spend bashing someone for who God intended them to be, with the people close to you, or support causes that you believe in, instead of insulting the ones you’re against. You’ll be so much happier.
Not only do we waste our time with negativity toward others, we’re constantly ridiculing ourselves for things we can’t control or things that don’t matter in the first place. Be nice to yourself. If you’re having trouble living your life, or you just don’t see the point in any of it anymore, talk to someone who can get you through it. There is no shame in getting help or seeking treatment to better your life and state of mind. Life can be extremely difficult at times, but it is precious and so are you.
Bad things happen. Someone hits your parked car, takes the last Dorito in the bag, spreads a rumor about you, “steals” your significant other, or maybe even unfortunately and tragically ends a loved one's life, intentional or not. I’m not making light of the latter, and it hurts me to hear any kind of news like that, but my point is…let it go, as hard as it may be. Don’t do it for them, do it for you. Holding anger and pain inside can become volatile very quickly and that is only confirmed when I watch the evening news to see stories like the recent massacre in Orlando. It hurts my heart to know that someone was holding so much inside, and if they had gotten help, that person wouldn’t have gone to such horrific measures, and a lot of lives would’ve been spared. Violence, mental, physical, or emotional, is never the answer.
Life is too short and you only live once, so don’t take anything for granted. Live, laugh, love, forgive, and forget. Be the best you can be and make the most of every moment while it lasts.