We are blessed in so many ways then we could ever imagine. We are blessed by having people in our lives that love us, waking up to the person you love, or just having faith that God has this amazing plan for us and the ones involved in our lives. We are far from perfect, I am far from perfect, you are far from perfect, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
We all have our struggles but I have come to believe that we will find the strength to get through. We are here for reason and I have learned that it is alright not to know where we belong or what exactly we want in life. I know a few things that come to my mind when I picture what makes a perfect person perfect. It is things they enjoy that you can also enjoy along with them, it is putting a smile a persons face and so many more things that make life beautiful.
I have learned through time, experiences and challenges that perfect is not the expensive make-up brand that society makes you want to buy, it is not the price tag on your clothes, the multimillion dollar car that the celebrities are driving. A "perfect" life to me is the things that money can not buy the smile on a person face, friends that give endless amounts of love and advice, waking up to sunrises and watching sunsets, taking pictures of crashing waves on a sandy beach during summer time.
"Perfect" is being in love with who you are as a person, being happy with your life choices, enjoying the small precious moments that money can not buy. I learned if you find happiness and learn to except yourself for who you are everything else in this world will eventually come easier. There is no such thing as being perfect, there will always be obstacles, stress and worry's during our journey on Earth. I promise you that there is a plan, there's a world of things to discover, and you are perfect the way you are.