If you saw the title of this article and thought "well this will shut all those cry babies up for sure," it is my esteemed pleasure to disappoint you. The idea that we live in a post-racial society is one that has been passed around mostly by white conservatives, who are under the illusion (or try to sell the illusion) that we've come to a place as a country where racial discrimination is no longer a serious issue. This belief became even more popular after the election of an African American man as President (Thanks, Obama). There is an overwhelming amount of denial towards the existence of systemic racism, and honestly, I can understand (kind of). When structures that are supposed to keep society afloat intentionally work against smaller groups outside of your own, it's easy to assume that there isn't anything inherently corrupt about those structures since it isn't directly affecting you. This kind of thinking leads people to believe that there is, in fact, something wrong with the targeted marginalized groups instead.
Rather than systemic racism, examine social racism, it's easier to understand and most commonly understood. Here are ten examples of modern day racism to show your racist uncle who thinks we live in a post-racial society.
1. Affirmative Action Bake Sale
2. Casual Racism between two Florida deputies.
3. Passenger removed from a flight because a black man in a panther costume makes people uncomfortable.