Oh, America.
I applaud you for what you believe you have done. Apparently, the majority of our country now believes in racism, misogyny, and the power of oppression.
Way to go!
Now that Donald Trump will become president, where do we go from here? How are we supposed to feel? How is anyone who is not white, protestant and male supposed to feel?
Truthfully, I believe that we have the right to feel angry, for many reasons. We hope America realizes the importance of the emotions that come with the result of the 2016 presidential election.
We hope America realizes the fear that is now instilled into minority groups.
We hope America realizes that we are the laughing stock of the world. The French, Chinese, and Australians are scoffing and wondering how such a powerful country came to the conclusion, that this man was our best option.
We hope America realizes that our next president will throw away all of the progress that current President Barack Obama has made, progress that has made life more dignified for the suffering in our country.
We hope America realizes that our future president stated that he will deport 12 million Americans, people that he recognizes as ill-fit to contribute to our society due to their heritage and religious labels.
We hope America realizes that we elected the wrong candidate.
There we go. Anger springing from minority groups who wish the election would have gone differently. But there is something hidden behind this anger - a longing for a better America.
We, the victimized minority that Donald Trump spoke out against, can choose to hope America realizes that this is only four years. In 2020, we can elect a much better candidate to represent our country.
We hope that America doesn’t let go its ideals, and that we can continue working on creating a society in which all citizens do not have to live in fear.
We hope that America realizes that we can change what has been created by man, and that our elections do not have to be formulated this way.
We hope that marginalized Americans realize that they are brave. Those who voted against this sexist, hateful man must stay strong and must promise to take action against what he stands for.
We hope for a better America, one that is created by the people and for the people out of love. A possible future where hatred does not stand a chance against the peaceful bond that will unify American citizens and create a country in which its citizens accept one another.
We hope.