Mom's are seriously our biggest fan and best friend. She's always there for us when we're having a bad day, or simply just need someone to talk to. Have you ever thought about just thanking her for the little things she does for you, just because we don't ever think about thanking her because to her, it's all just part of being a mom.
1. First of all, does anyone realize how much pain we have put our mothers through?
She birthed you. The thought of giving birth makes me cringe. The physical pain has to be beyond extreme. How about the emotional pain of dropping us off the first day of school, or watching us graduate and move off to college. How about the emotional pain of watching you get married and move off with the love of your life? Our mothers seriously go through much emotional pain. So thank her for staying mentally stable for all the pain we've really put her through.
2. She puts up with our back talk. ![]()
All the times we just can't let her win the argument. We back talk and back talk and back talk until we can't even find anything else to say. It's really sad, because she does everything in the world for us and we just can't even let her win a simple argument. So next time an argument comes about, just let her have the last word, & she may even thank you for that.
3. She lets you have the last piece of cake.
There's one piece of cake left on the plate and we ask her if she wants it, more than likely she is going to say, "no, you can have it" but really she may want that piece of cake so badly. Our moms give up so much for us, even a simple piece of cake she wouldn't take away from us. Really, thank her for being so generous even when we don't see that she's really dying for that piece of cake.
4. She always supports you. ![]()
Whether it's in a sport, on a test or just a stressful task in life, her support is ALWAYS there. She is always got your back & is there for you, even when you don't realize it. When you're down in the dumps and need a hug or you may need someone to cheer you on at your big game, let me tell ya, she's gonna be the loudest and proudest mom there. We don't realize how our moms are really our biggest fans in everything in life. Thank her for supporting you and being there because she may not even realize how much effort she's putting in on supporting you because it just comes naturally in moms. But let her know it doesn't go unnoticed.