Dear future students,
We can do incredible things here. You are all capable of creating magic. You can learn to read. You can learn to write. You can learn to solve a math problem. You can learn why seasons change and why day is different from night. You can learn about what people want and need. You can learn many strange and wonderful things. You are all able. But learning magic takes time and effort. If you practice and continue to try your hardest you will be able to perform miracles.
You will be able to explore unknown worlds and travel across time and space. You will be able to read books like they are movies playing in your head. You will be able to understand other people who live miles and millennia apart. But most importantly, you will know that you are capable of doing things that you didn't think you could.
You will be able to turn the bizarre markings on a page into meaningful stories. You will be able to convey to others what you know and what you think. You will be able to give digits a purpose and overcome obstacles with numbers. You will be able to investigate the worlds greatest mysteries and prove results to others. You will be able to work with peers to reach a common goal. You will be able to do a great many things by the time you leave here.
Anything is possible as long as you believe that you can achieve anything and are willing to put in the effort. I am here to help you explore the world of magic that you can weave, as a teacher and your guide. Let's start making miracles together.
In this place we make magic. Welcome to school.