It is becoming way too common for close friends of mine to tell me that they are struggling with depression and anxiety. I'm sure most of you can say the same thing or are experiencing it yourself. I have to admit that I, myself, suffer from both; I have been since high school. It only seems to be getting worse instead of getting better. Depression and anxiety go hand-in-hand as a mental illness, so it's so common for a person to experience both together. Teens and young adults (ages 13-22) depression and anxiety levels are at an all-time high, and it's not a mystery as to why.
We are stressed out to the max. We live in a society that puts so much pressure on young adults to succeed. We are college students that are struggling to pay rent, bills, keep up with classes, and have a social life. College tuition is way too expensive and most students are working many hours at a job, or even two or three, just to make enough money to survive. It's not fun to be overworked and underpaid, which is what is happening to many of us.
In order to make all of this happen, sacrifices have to be made (usually this is sleep). I see it everywhere; We walk around looking like zombies. Sleep is a beautiful thing that many of us seem to be getting less and less of.
Social media also seems to be getting people down. You log on and see all these pictures of friends or celebrities looking "beautiful." Let me tell you, you are beautiful too. Social media is just a spotlight on people's lives where you only see what they want you to see. Just think about that, you are only seeing the high points of a person's life.
It's not a big surprise as to why we are so stressed out and depressed. We are just trying so hard to get by that we lose ourselves along the way. Always remember that it gets better even if it doesn't seem that way now.