These are the happiest years of our lives... Not to mention the most stressful, confusing, and emotional years of our lives. We have so much on our plates with our school work, we have social lives, we have jobs. We have all of these responsibilities that pile on top of each other that we are expected to do our absolute best at but all we can give is a mediocre effort that we see as a failure. We are not okay, but we are trying.
If we get a C on a test, it means we might not get a job in the field we dream about. We make best friends that make boyfriends that they would rather hang out with on Friday nights. We lose touch with our families and childhood friends. We feel lonesome. We feel guilty. We give everything our all and we don't get what we deserve back.
We have bad days, we have bad weeks. We can put on a positive act only for so long before we break. We turn to our support systems that aren't always there for us. We depend on people who can't give us the attention we always need. We have separate lives and that's okay, but it isn't always convenient. We miss our friends when they live a block away.
We are expected to be ready to start a career, get married, be an adult after four years of classes and parties and all-nighters and long shifts at a job that isn't getting us anywhere. There is a reason we are going through a roller coaster emotional ride. There is a reason we are not okay, but we are trying.