Whether you believe in heaven, reincarnation, or that life is truly over when you die, we can all agree on the fact that our journey on earth is extremely short.
The average lifespan in the United States today is around 85 years old, and while that seems like many years with a lot of ups and downs and everything in between, it seems as if we have lost track of actually using up the time we have on earth.
How many times have you walked into work and just did not want to be there, and it seemed as if the majority of your co-workers felt the same? Or when you see college students questioning why exactly they are majoring in a certain degree that was forced upon them?
Why are we wasting precious time on things that do not make us happy?
We are constantly comparing our own journeys to someone else's, and then judging ourselves because we are not living up to that person's expectation of life.
We fear of actually accomplishing goals, or going against what is perceived as "normal" due to the fear of being judged for it.
We fail to realize the fact that we are living on borrowed time. There will come a day where our time is up, and there will be no more chances to be the person who we actually want to be, not what society wants us to.
Our life is something that is unique, and should be cherished. We are given an opportunity to legitimately do whatever we want. So why are the majority of us all doing the same thing?
We are given a voice to be heard, a heart to learn to love and a brain to decide the actions that will effect our life.
Life is hard, there is no doubting that. Things are thrown at us that are completely out of our control. However, there are things that we have power over.
In reality, we do not know what tomorrow is going to bring. We do not know when the time will be that our chances are gone, life should be lived in a way that the realization that tomorrow is not a given is in our mind. Do not waste your borrowed time, take scary chances. Do not be afraid of what other people are going to say, it isn't their time after all.