We see the hashtag all of the time. We see people are displaying their passionate side very often. There is a time and place to use your passion for something and it's not for when trivial words are said. The opinion of what should annoy you is up to you, and you should stand firm when something truly upsets you. Its when you follow the crowd on an issue that doesn't affect you in any way that one needs to simply not state their opinion. People older than us are saying that we get offended easily and that is true. My generation has a strong victim complex and it needs to stop.
Being triggered is different than being annoyed. When someone experiences P.T.S.D. and something environmental shows up then they could become truly triggered. Being triggered is having an anxiety attack or a severe depressive episode. It truly stinks when you hear that someone is triggered and come to find out that they are triggered over something not traditionally deemed as important. Save the hashtag for something that truly triggers hate inside your soul that it envelopes your heart.
I understand that we are suffering as a generation and older generations had different suffering. There are things that should be upset about in society, but don't use the suffering of others to build you up. Victimization is as bad as being the bully. It takes the spotlight off those who are truly suffering. In a sense, we are bullying those who we are trying to help. As the saying goes, "It does more harm than good". The younger generation is getting upset over not having the latest technology or not having people understand them. I'm not saying all of that generation is getting #triggered over those things, but that is what I see on a daily basis.
I understand how not being understood can pose some problems. Not being understood over an argument over not having the latest iPhone is different than arguing about societal problems. We are becoming more and more materialistic as a society and it is causing a lot of the #triggering. There are a lot more problems in this world that should trigger someone than something as trivial as a petty argument over what's for dinner. Understanding the problem is the first step and the next is empathizing with the person. Not becoming TRIGGERED.
I'm not saying that we should never get annoyed over small things. We are human and that is what we do, but one should think twice before using the word triggered as a hashtag. When we experience something that breaks our spirit and puts us in a darkness that envelopes our soul that is when we can become triggered. It's satisfying when someone uses the word appropriately. Thankfully the younger generation and my generation is beginning to learn how to use that word. What should be annoying us is how much debt we are in and how hard it is to find a job that's fulfilling and supportive.