We all have different personalities, different goals, and different dreams. Because of this, it's crazy to imagine how at the same time, we can all be so similar. We all relate to the same things, share the same universal struggles and are trying to achieve the same goal. However, we aren't the only ones living like that--Disney princesses are among the most relatable characters (although, at first glance, it may not seem like it). We not only look up to them but find bits and pieces of our own personalities reflected in each icon. Maybe you don't see it now, but it won't just take a talking animal companion to see that even you are a Disney princess.
1. We need applause for everything we do
It's okay to want to be congratulated on even the smallest things; you've done a good job, so accept that round of applause wherever you can get it.
2. We can't handle long-term commitments
Commitments are hard to keep, but so much fun to break.
3. We are clumsy
While most of us don't have strong enough fingers to swing a frying pan around like that, I think the outcome would be somewhat similar.
4. We all work hard for our dreams
Even though other people may not believe it, we know you're out there busting your butt. So, don't worry, you'll get there someday. (And you're almost there!)
5. We wish on stars
Sometimes, all you need to do is put your faith is something else, even if it is just a great, big ball of gas.
8. We like to admire ourselves
Is there a day that passes when we don't look in the mirror? It's not vanity, it's taking pride in one's appearance. And there is nothing wrong with that!
9. We get annoyed easily
I'm sure you've made this face to your significant other on more than one occasion. Doesn't take much, does it?
10. We don't like being told what we can and can't do
We're not kids anymore, even though sometimes we probably wish we were.
11. We're all a little petty
You wave goodbye to that friend who just slightly inconvenienced you and then immediately drop that smile when she turns away. Heart as cold as snow.
12. We'll do anything to find true love
Oodles of kisses + a princely frog = happily ever after? The fairy tales have all confirmed this works, so it must--right?
14. We do our best to impress the parents
Meeting your boyfriend's or girlfriend's parents is no easy feat, and sometimes we (inevitably) fall just a little bit short.
15. We make fools out of ourselves at the worst times
Got an important job interview or a big class presentation? Get ready for a bit of embarrassment. Don't worry though, chances are they will forget all about it...someday.
16. It's so easy for people to disappoint us
From classmates to family members to best friends, chances are, you've been embarrassed FOR them more than a handful of times in your life.
17. We like our dramatic entrances
No matter the occasion, making people aware of your presence is important. You're one of a kind, after all.
18. We love our family
No matter how much we wish they would leave us alone, we don't know what we would do without them.
Though we've all been through different things, we are all practically the same person when it comes to how we react to certain situations. Fortunately for us, Disney princesses don't act much differently. Whether you see yourself as the Cinderella of your friends or the Tiana, just remember that these princesses got where they are by hard work and kindness, so adjust that tiara and follow in their footsteps.