So today I was sitting in class, and the teacher asked some question at this moment I can't remember what the question was, but it had something to do with college. The room is silent nobody answering which okay I get nobody wants to answer her question, but one kid does and his answer goes somewhat like this "we really only go to college to get an interview" it was a little more than that, but you get the idea. This got me thinking I have never looked at college that way before, I have always viewed college as just school something that I am going to get a degree from and then move on with my life and make a career. But this kid was right if we ask why do we go to college? most people will probably give you the answer I just gave you. We go to college because we know after four years we will have a degree that we can show a new employer and say look what I have. I will fully agree that we are going to college for the degree because why else would we pull all-nighters and leave a project to the last minute? Without realizing it though we are going for more than just a degree, we are here to get that interview that one step up that will put us above everybody else. We are going for that goal that we have been thinking about since we stepped foot on campus. We strive to get that one simple interview that will make our career, so yes we are here for the degree, but we are also here for the interview.
We Are Here To Get The Interview
Get the degree get the interview