Most of us want to live to a better, healthier lifestyle and a lot of us do things that we don't even know about that hurt us. It's typically the smaller things that hurt the most. If you follow the tips below, you'll have beautiful hair in no time.
Not drinking enough water
It's a common fact that your body needs water to be healthy. Not only does a lack of water dehydrate your body, it also dehydrates your hair. Your hair strands become brittle and it can even make your hair stop growing completely.
Getting too much sun
We all know that too much sun causes sunburn on our skin, but do you ever think about what happens to your hair in the sun? Basically, it dries it out and causes breakage. It's easy to keep a hat on and your hair up to protect it. There are also hair serums out there that help lock in moisture.
Using heat on your hair without protection
Everyone knows that using a hot iron or blow dryer on unprotected hair causes damage, so just don't do it. Put heat protection on your hair before you apply any kind of heat.
Not getting the necessary nutrients
Vitamins are not only good for your skin and body but hair as well. There are certain pills out there that you can take, but make sure you do enough research before you buy a product because there are a lot of fakes out there.
Staying out in the cold for too long
The harsh cold hurts a lot. It makes your nails brittle and does the exact same thing to your hair. Wear a hat to protect yourself from the wind and snow.
Towel drying your hair
A lot of people towel dry their hair as soon as they get out of the shower. When your hair is wet, that's when it is the most vulnerable to damage. When you get out, you can slip on a cotton t-shirt or a microfiber towel made specifically for wet hair.
Using shampoo on the ends
Shampoo causes a lot of dryness to your hair because it strips off the natural oils. The oil is what keeps your hair from drying out so much and cracking. When you shampoo, only keep it at the roots and the conditioner at the ends.
Brushing your hair while wet
When you brush your hair while it's still wet, you cause a lot of breakage and damage to the weak strands. Let your hair air dry naturally or keep it in a microfiber towel/cotton shirt if you don't want it dripping all over.
Too much bleach or dying
You are always warned when you are about to bleach or dye your hair because terrible things can happen if you don't know what your doing or the salon doesn't. It's better to keep your hair at its natural state, or color it rarely.
 Sleeping on a rough pillow case
Your hair goes through a lot when you're flipping and turning all night. There is a lot of friction which can cause frizz and split ends. Make sure to use a cotton pillow. You can also put your hair up, but make sure it isn't too tight.
 Applying too much dry shampoo
Dry shampoo is used to soak up the oils from your hair, and if you use it too much then your hair will constantly be dry and will break easily. You also need to let the natural oils spread through your hair.