Summer is coming to an end and kids are heading back to campus or maybe starting grad school. We all know that being a student can be difficult but what makes it a little easier is knowing that your peers are riding that struggle bus right beside you.
If you're like me, you may have chosen writing as your major, and instantly beat yourself up for volunteering four years of your life to writing super long essays, articles and fiction. You also may have procrastinated so hard you don't know how you passed that one class last semester, or any class for that matter. For us writers, procrastination is in our DNA, and for most of us it's when we produce our best work. There are a ton of little quirks and habits we have as writing majors, but here's just a few:
1. You silently correct the grammar of your professors from other departments.
Have you ever cringed when your history professor put a comma instead of a semi colon in that one sentence in the notes?
2. Your friends are always asking you to edit their papers.
Or write the entire thing for them.
3. Procrastination is your number one skill.
What's that, Professor? I have two months to write a 15-page short story?
Night before it's due: *types first sentence*
4. Coffee is your Lord and savior.
For the morning after your procrastination induced all-nighter when your fighting to keep your eyes open in class.
5. You have a "writer" tattoo of some sort.
Whether it be a punctuation mark or a literary quote.
6. You have a group of writer friends.
Whom you trust to read your work and give you honest feedback about what works and what doesn't. "Kill your darlings, Jessica!"
7. Writer's Block!!!!
It's real and it doesn't care who it takes in its cold, horrible hands!
8. And the biggie: you're introverted AF!
Because what's better than choosing a career path that lets you work alone from the safety of your computer for the rest of your life? Sure, you'll have to interact with people sometimes but it's OK.
There you have it! Now go enjoy the last weeks of summer before you have to re-glue yourself to your computer! Have a great semester!