Am I the only one who imagined spring break in college was going to be like, a month long? I swear that every movie or television show depicting a college student on spring break gives them a few weeks, if not a month off of class. Not to mention that spring break in the media is the time for adventuring, drinking, partying and regrets.
That being said, no matter what spring break consists of, now that I am in college I know for a fact that every person's spring break is too short, and I think there are certain feelings a person receives when spring break has officially ended.
1. You try to finish all your laundry while you're still at home.
Once school starts back up you'll have to do all your laundry on your own again. When the end of spring break starts to rear its ugly head, I always toss all my clothing articles into the laundry room so I can get a few more laundry-free days.
2. You've caught up with all your high school friends.
People will go home for spring break, and when this happens it means it's time to reunite with your high school friends that you haven't seen since Christmas! However, you know that spring break is over once you have no one left to catch up with, since they're all packing to go back to school.
3. You try to wake up earlier.
This is something I always try but ultimately fail at. After a week of sleeping in until noon, we try to reset our sleep schedules back to our normal college routine. Unfortunately, it's pointless most of the time, since no matter how early I wake up I still go to sleep at 2 a.m.
4. You finally need to check your syllabus.
Eh, it's spring break. I bet my professors didn't give me that much homework.
5. Therefore, you cram all your homework into the very last day.
How could I have been so wrong?
6. You no longer eat healthy.
Spring break workouts and dieting aren't necessarily a huge thing, but an ideal body is in most peoples' minds right before the week-long trip to the beach. That being said, once spring break is over you've got two months until you need a "beach body" again. Slip-ups are going to occur.
7. You're sunburned.
I don't know how many times I reapplied sunscreen, but apparently it wasn't enough considering I can barely sit down without crying. After a week of beach visits, a sure fire sign that you've reached the end of break is that you're looking a bit like a lobster.
8. You're also broke.
Sure it's great hanging out with old friends and going to exotic locations, but it's also expensive. As a college student, anything that costs over $15 makes me cringe, so I'm going to need some time to recover financially.
9. You're all caught up with your favorite TV shows.
It's impossible to keep up when you have homework, organizations, and (hopefully) a social life. Spring break is the only time we get to catch up on all the television moments we've missed out on during classes.
10. The term, "How was your spring break?" is repeated too often.
I know nobody really cares that much, but it's kind of a necessary thing to ask when you're seeing someone for the first time after break.
11. Everyone's Snapchat story has something related to, "Bye-bye spring break."
Yes, I know spring break is over stop posting about it every two minutes.
12. You have responsibilities again.
What do you mean I have to meet with my advisor Monday, finish two projects for Tuesday, complete an application by Wednesday and have an interview Thursday? Wasn't my only responsibility to get enough sleep just yesterday?
13. You're reunited (again) with your college friends.
Yes this one is cheesy and typical, but it's also true! Catching up with high school friends is great, but it's hard going a week without the people you spend 110 percent of your time with. Spring break is most definitely over once you've got the whole crew back together.