If you are anything like me, that means that this semester has been kicking your butt. I am currently taking 17 credits, 2 part-time jobs and participating in a club and my sorority. The snow has made an early appearance making everything cold and my car is having tire problems. I am also trying to juggle working out and going to the gym because that has always helped my mood. I am starting to feel burnt out. I am sleeping in more and have been starting to skip classes when I know I shouldn't be. Most of the times, I avoid everything until the last possible moment and it's been showing. This is not like me at all. But, we only have 4 weeks left! These are my tips for staying ahead for these short weeks:
​1. Plan everything out!​
My planner is decked out in all my activities, assignments and work schedule. Everyday, I can look to see what I need to do and what my goals are for this week. Target sells awesome planners that have sections for specific classes and a section for after-school activities. There are also a bunch of really cute planners online that you can customize to fit exactly what you need. It is not too late to get a planner, I promise!
2. No more time off!
I love sitting in my bed watching Netflix. Stop doing this! If you have down time, do some assignments or take notes ahead of time! The more you get done ahead of time, the less you will stress and the less work will pile up! Plus, you can actually use your weekends as time off of school if you work hard during the week.
3. Start studying now!
Go over some of the material you learned in the beginning of the semester! There are some things that I forgot I even learned. The quicker you review and learn, the less cramming you have to do during the craziness of exam week.
4. But, take some time for yourself!
On those weekends that you don't have assignments, take some you-time! Self care is important and everyone seems to be getting sick because of stress. Take a bath, paint your nails and do a hair/face mask!
5. Hydrate and eat well!
Don't skip meals! And drink lots of water! This is the time where college students just want to get things done and "don't have time" for basic meals and to drink water. Staying full and hydrated will keep you awake and will help your energy levels.
Staying on top of things makes everything easier! Using these tips and others found online and through friends can really make or break your mood and grades as this semester comes to an end. Planning out every waking moment helps give time where needed. Always having a positive vibe and getting enough sleep are also key to having a good week. Plan ahead and make time for yourself, but not too much time ;)
Good luck on exams and have fun over break :)