How to Get Settled In a New City | The Odyssey Online
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12 Ways To Settle Into A New City, For The Summer, For A New Job, Or A New Life

What do you do when your new home doesn't feel like home yet?

12 Ways To Settle Into A New City, For The Summer, For A New Job, Or A New Life

Whether you just graduated college, are just starting college, or in a different city for an internship for the summer, new places are intimidating. How do you ever get settled in a place so new? It has to start somewhere. I suggest you start right here with this list:

1. Make the place you are living homey.

Whether it means hanging stuff on the walls or stocking the fridge with your fave foods, make your home yours. Chances are you will be spending a lot of time here before you get all your bearings in a new city.

2. Learn about the history about where you are.

This is always a reason behind the way something is now. It might be more interesting than you initially anticipate about why a city is the way it is today because of things that happened in its history,

3. Read up on what is going on.

So reading the local newspaper might not be you cup of tea, but it is a great way to figure out what is going on around you. Google is also a great invention so look up what is going on in the area. Any upcoming concerts, food festivals, etc.

4. Drive around town

Figuring out what major streets lead where, will really make life a lot easier. Being able to get around without a GPA is a huge milestone in settling into a new place.

5. Go shopping

I know moving in itself is expensive enough, but at the very least go window shopping. This gives you a great sense of what a place is all about by what you can easily buy and what cool things are readily available for you to spend money on.​

6. Walk through the city

Taking the time to stroll around the block is relaxing and will help you get your bearings on what is around you. It never hurts to know which coffee shop within walking distance is the best.

7. Find familiar ground

With such a big adjustment as relocating your life, you need some common variable. Whether that be finding your favorite store from home in your new city or finding a church to go to, having something familiar in a sea of brand new will help your mental stability a lot.​

8. Get out and meet people

This sounds really scary and I think it is. Meeting new people has a lot of risk in it but even if you do not like anyone you talk to, just tell yourself that you are improving your people skills.

9. Eat at different places

For at least the first two months in a new place, try to not eat at the same restaurant twice. This will force you to try new things and go to new places. You can't determine what you like the best if you only eat at the same place four times a week.

10. Step out of your comfort zone

It is not an easy journey to settle into a brand new city. You will not just wake up one morning and think, "Wow this feels like home" It doesn't happen overnight. You have to take the initiative to make headway in finding your little niche in a big new city.

11. Get plugged in

Figure out what you like to do and then find that in the city. Do you like music? Figure out what live venues they have planned. Like Art? See if they have any street shows coming up.

12. Do what makes you happy

No matter what it is, from picking where you grab lunch to stepping out of your comfort zone, make sure you are doing what you want to do. The end goal should be to settle in and be happy.

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