Being in college usually also means being broke. A lot of students have to learn how to balance going out/having fun and being able to save money and use it in a smart way. While it's easy for some people it can be harder from others. After being in college for quite some time and being close to graduating I have learned some tips and tricks on how to save the wallet from crying itself to sleep at night.
Attend events (or campus events).
As the seasons go by and class is starting there is usually different kind of festivals and events. Most of the time these college aimed events will have free food, this is something you can most definitely take advantage of.
Cut back on alcohol.
Stop drinking alcohol. Just kidding. What I'm saying here is to just keep track of the places that have the best happy hour. Trader Joe's has one of my favorites wines for like five dollars and that's about what you're going to pay for, just for one glass at a restaurant.
Get rid of cable.
I do not remember the last time that I watched a show on cable T.V. As the years have passed more and more people have switched from cable T.V to Netflix, Hulu, or other streaming services. Catch me binge-watching my favorite shows on Netflix for less than 10 dollars a month.
Don't buy new textbooks.
A lot of textbooks that are needed for courses are available in the school library and you can find them being sold for cheap online or in book stores. There is no point in spending full price on a book you will only read 1/4 of when you could save a big buck.
Invest in a coffee maker.
While going to get Starbucks coffee all the time might be the highlight of your day, it can also add up while each coffee is about five dollars or even more. Getting your own coffee maker will save you money in the long run and making drinks like the Starbucks drinks are easy to do at home.
Sign up for reward points at stores.
If you're a frequent shopper at a particular store, you might want to consider signing up for their rewards program. In the long run, you may receive coupons or different discounts on future purchases.
Take advantage of two for one sales.
Grocery stores will occasionally have sales throughout the month where certain items buy one, get one free. Take advantage of this!
Save money on expensive technology.
Places like Best Buy offer college student discounts.
Sign up for UNiDAYS.
All you have to do to join this app is to confirm you're a college student by registering with your college email and within the app, you can find different stores that offer student discounts.
Costco samples.
Do I need to say more?
 Buy in bulk.
If there's a certain item that you know you're using religiously and you're going to buy again, just buy it in bulk.
 Join an intramural sport.Â
By joining school activities you will be meeting new people and you won't be spending money as these things are offered for free by the campus.
 Don't buy music.Â
The days of paying $1.99 for a song on iTunes are over. Join music streaming services such as Spotify or Apple music. These are two services that also offer students discounts so it would be good to take advantage of it.
 Save spare change.
I personally try to pay for things with just my card to minimize misplaced change but as a waitress I find I collect a lot of change over time. It may not seem like much but over time you will see how much it can add up and before you know it you could have an extra $75.
 Carry your own reusable water bottle.Â
Not only are you saving the environment but you will save money by avoiding buying from a vending machine.
 Use the school printer.
As an EWM major, I have a lot of papers I write which means a lot of printing. Printing at the school library can save you a lot of money on paper and ink.
 Avoid eating out a lot.
While eating out can be fun and fast, it can add up over time. Try to make home-cooked meals more often and not only will you dave money but you'll be eating healthier too.