While you may be an impulse buyer or make purchases out of convenience, in the back of your mind you know you are spending money that could be used for something much more important. You'll thank yourself later if you just put that cash in your wallet and don't swipe that credit card.
Right now your bank account might be crying and begging for help, but here are seven things you can do to help it turn that frown upside down:
1. Make your coffee at home.Â
Do you really need that Starbucks latte for $4.72 or can you sacrifice it most mornings for coffee from the Keurig? I added up all of my Starbucks orders from a few months and realized that I can save hundreds...yes, hundreds. (I'm sorry, I know Pumpkin Spice season just started).
2. Walk if it's close enough.Â
Going out at school or after work? Avoid Uber if you can help it! Walking burns calories, but not money! (Haha, get it...?)
3. Avoid take-out.Â
It might just be the best Chinese food in the WORLD, but try cooking at home anyway. Save take-out for busier nights when you know you won't have time to cook. You'll feel better about yourself and probably be eating a lot healthier too. It's a win-win!
4. Find sales!
NEVER buy full price clothes. NEVER. It's too easy to find cute clothes on sale, so shopping full price just can't be justified anymore. You'll save a lot of money and have more clothes too!
5. Utilize student deals.
If you're a college student, businesses often offer deals just for you! You can use your college e-mail online or student ID in person to receive discounts on food, clothing, music platforms, events, and more! Find those deals and take advantage of them...the difference in price is usually pretty significant.
6. Make fun nights cheap!
A night out doesn't have to be spending loads of money at the bar. Try a cheap concert or sports game with friends every so often. Autumn is right around the corner, hayrides and haunted houses work too! You'll feel much less guilty and still have so much fun! Plus, it's an opportunity to do something ~different~
7. Off brand can work.
If you feel tight on cash, try buying your products off brand and see how you like them. There's no shame in hitting the drugstore for makeup. You can always switch back if it's not for you... but you definitely have the potential to save a lot of money by trying cheaper products.
- 11 Ways To Save Money This Summer ›
- 5 Easy Ways To Save Money As A College Student ›
- 10 Ways To Save Money For The Savvy Student ›