My younger brother who is a senior in high school started to apply for college and I'm a senior in college applying to medical school, and there are a lot of people in this world that are stressed due majorly to COVID-19 situation and additional stresses of getting a job, keeping up with academics, the elections, and other major factors in peoples' lives, there have to be ways to lessen the stresses that we experience. Being stressed is not wholly productive.
Take a Warm Bubble Bath
I actually started to take a bubble bath during quarantine. I hadn't done so since I was a toddler and it is actually very relaxing. Maybe even bring a glass of good wine or a book and rest in the steam.
Read a good book
Reading is such an under appreciated past time when we are caught up in our lives. Luckily I still read since I'm an English major (so basically I'm reading and writing all the time which I love). And I don't mean reading on a kindle or online, no, pick up an actual physical book since there is a huge difference between a physical book and a digital one.
Take a long walk
Walking is so relaxing (and running for some people) and meditative. Go by yourself or with your friends. Go to a park, walk around (socially distanced of course) on the streets, etc. It will clear your mind and get some exercise into your day.
Talk with a good friend
When I say good friend, I mean one that will not try to stress you out or try to dump their problems onto you. It is ok to once and a while confide in a friend, but make sure that friend doesn't do it all the time. Having a conversation with a friend will also take your mind off of things and gather ideas.
Take a nap
I don't take naps personally but it is helpful to have a rest from work once in a while and napping is a way to restart your day. But make sure that it is less than or equal to 21 mins since that's the standard power nap. Anything that is more than that you can end up in another century (even though that might be a good things lol).
Watch a movie
I wouldn't advise to always watch TV since that will make you more tired, but a good movie once and a while can relax you.
Just like reading, writing is another under appreciated past time that not many people do. Being online all the time will tire your eyes and taking up a pen and paper feels different that typing something on a computer.
Turn off the News
A lot of stresses that unnerve people is that we are too involved with what is going on in the world. It is good to know what current events are going on but being too much involved with the news is not healthy. So turning off the News majority of the time and then coming back to it once and awhile is therapeutic.
Take an hour to yourself to do what you like
Whatever you like to do to relax is important for our progress and work ethics, take an hour to yourself and then go back to work. Whatever it may be (should be something that doesn't require to be online since everything now is online and we can get online fatigue), whether it is a sport, a hobby, a trip to the supermarket, anything that doesn't have to do with work.
Tell yourself that you can control your actions
As I mentioned, my brother and myself are both seniors (high school and college) and we are both applying to college and medical school respectively. It is important that people, in general, to tell themselves that the world can't be controlled by us as individuals. We can control ourselves and what we can do. That should be what people have to focus on and to take care of our mentalities.