Growing up we are put constantly in environments that show us that we are just another person in the amounts of people. School classrooms, sports teams, work facilities; these are all places that we just are another person. But this is where we need to have a change of heart because we are MUCH more than just a number or another person. We need to make a change of how we treat ourselves because that can impact how you feel each day.
I'm here to tell you that we are all individuals, we all can be an asset to anything and anyone we want to be. It all starts with us, we all have the ability to be more than we could ever imagine ourselves being and doing. The reason why this is so important is that how you feel and see yourself shows physically to others and shines through. 5 ways that I have used and will never stop doing to remind myself that I am a structure of beauty are.
Take time for yourself.
This can be just simply going on a run, getting a pedicure, doing your favorite sport, or even reading a book at a park.
Have a word to remind yourself who you are
Writing you are beautiful on your wrist, going to the bathroom and looking at yourself then saying I am strong are all ways that can be a reminder for yourself when times get hard.
Getting yourself a treat whether its your favorite doughnut or drink from Starbucks
Treat yourself, because you deserve it for all that you do!
Print out 3 inspirational quotes to put around the places you spend the most time.
Whether this is your bathroom, above your bed, on the dashboard of your car. Whatever it may inspire yourself and use reminders to pull the beauty from within.
Finally, Wear your favorite type of clothes that make you feel like the queen or king you are.
Style the beautiful masterpiece that you are and don't allow anybody to make you feel that you can't. BE YOU!
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