With school starting up again, there will be lots of new faces around campus. Some of the friends you make in college will be your friends for life. Here are some tips on how to meet the people who might become your BFF’s.
1. “What’s the wifi password?”
This simple phrase is a great way to start a conversation. And it is so universal, you can use it in class, in the residence halls, and at Starbucks! The best part about it is, if neither of you know it, it’s a guaranteed excuse to have a second conversation. And it’s a fantastic way to force someone to talk to you without being rude! (True story. One of my teammates used this trick on me the first day of college when we were moving in!)
2. FOOD.
I would have to say food is the number one way to a person’s heart. If you want instant friends, bring food to any and all social gatherings. It is super helpful especially if you are trying to gain that freshman 15. Or (if you are over 21) a certain choice beverage will do the trick just as well.
3. Hugs not handshakes.
When you first meet someone it is customary to shake hands, but this only applies to professional relations. If you are trying to make friends, go in for the hug. Open arms means open hearts and others will know your intentions.
4. Join a sport.
This is a great way to make friends in mass quantities. Even if you are a benchwarmer, you are basically forced to bond with your teammates. And friends that sweat together, stay together.
5. Open door policy.
Always keep your door open (unless you are sleeping, then people might mess with you). Don’t close yourself off to the rest of your floor. You want people to come in and feel welcome or pop their head in on the way to class. Mi casa es su casa.
6. Get a roommate.
If you want a best friend fast, get a roommate. Y’all will be living together and probably have similar schedules so it is just convenient to hangout with them all the time! And they cannot avoid you for too long, since they have to come back to the room at some point. This is a great way to double your friends since your roommate’s friends will probably become yours as well!
7. Bump them cuts.
Get a super loud speaker and blast your music. Music attracts people like my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. Everyone will be stopping by your room, and if you have good taste in music you will get lots of compliments, which also happens to be a good conversation starter.
8. Don’t be that guy.
DO NOT SET OFF THE FIRE ALARM. We get it, you do not really know how to cook. Or maybe you burnt your Top Ramen. But please try to not smoke up the entire hall and cause everyone to leave their room at an ungodly hour. This is an easy to way to make a lot of enemies real quick. Especially if someone is in the shower when it happens.