Life is all about twist and turns, sideways and which ways. Nothing is permanent, so we should take risks, and chase our dreams. We are taught at a young age many lessons that will follow us into adulthood. What we aren't taught is how to feel, and how we handle those emotions. We just have to figure them out ourselves, and that's not fun. In my 21 years of living, I have come to know that way too many people can't handle emotions, or the fact that not everyone is dead inside like them. When you're like me, and you have zero control over your emotions, it's hard to feel comfortable around people who aren't so in touch with themselves. As much as I would like to feel nothing at times, I've accepted who I am and the fact that I can cry over practically nothing. So, there are some things in life that you just have to do.
1. Wallow.
No it's not fun, and no one actually likes to feel this miserable, but according to, Tina Gilbertson talks about how wallowing is a good thing, and why you should do it. If someone broke your heart, wallow. If you had the worst week of your life, wallow. You have the right to feel how you feel and be upset. If you are hurting, you can wallow, it's allowed!
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2. Cry.
All though crying is usually part of wallowing, I consider it on a whole different level. Or levels, I suppose. I cry at everything, from commercials to birthday cards. I weep, and I have no self control. Once the tears start flowing, they don't stop until I am completely dried up. Like everyone says, you always end up feeling a million times better after you've let go of that negative.
3. Get Angry.
I struggle with this big time. I don't get angry very easily, and have the worst time ever trying to show someone I'm upset with them. I'm one of those people who tends to get angry, and keep it bottled up inside. Most of the time, I can let it go pretty quickly though. Regardless of how I am, getting angry just needs to happen now and again. If someone made you cry, get angry. Why would they do that? If they upset you in any way, feel that anger -- but let it go. Feel all of that negative, punch a pillow, and let it go. Don't hold on to that too long though, release those bad vibes, and go back to being the incredible person you are.
4. Tell Someone You Love Them.
Not even gonna lie, this one is kinda hard. Well, at least it's not easy. Regardless, you should do it. Say it first, and mean it -- don't forget to cherish that moment. You were brave enough to put your heart on the line, and there are a lot of people who can not do that. It doesn't matter what they say back, hopefully yes, but be proud of yourself either way. Don't be afraid of those words and what they mean. Being able to love another human being is a gift.
5. Forgive.
This one is short, and simple: You are never going to grow as a person unless you forgive your past, and who has hurt you. The way they treat you has nothing to actually do with you -- it is purely a reflection of themselves. Once you learn that, move on. You will be the much bigger person for it.
6. Let go of the negative people in your life.
None of us are ever really good at this. We make excuses for people a few too many times, we have too much hope, etc. Eventually, we all have our breaking points. For some of us, we can take a lot of negativity, and be fine. For others, at the first sign of trouble, they're done. Sooner or later, we all realize what is actually important in life, and that guy who makes you cry or the friend who really isn't a friend, needs to go. Your happiness depends on you, and only you. So, let those awful amoebas crawl away!
7. Be yourself.
This is the most important one on the list. No one is more you than you. You are a snowflake, you're unique, so act like it! How can you ever trust anyone unless you trust yourself? Go with the gut feelings, and wear bright colors. If that is what puts a smile on your face, that's all that matters. You are wonderfully made!
8. Swallow Your Pride.
We all can be stubborn, and stand our ground. I hate to break it to you... you're not always right, and you don't know everything. If you have friends who are constantly telling you that, you need to fix something. Don't fight us, swallow your pride and admit that maybe you should open your mind a little. It doesn't take much, I promise.
9. Stop Freaking Out Over Your Body.
Unfortunately in today's society there is a specific image that floats around, saying we need to look a certain way, be a certain size, and wear specific clothes. All of that is BS. You are perfect how you are. and please, please don't listen to what social media has to say on how our bodies should look. If you are really unhappy with what you see in the mirror, fix it. You are more than capable of making a healthy change in your life, if that is what you want. If you gain a pound or two, it is OK! Just eat a little healthier, and work out -- you'll be fine. There are far too many wonderful things in life for you to be angry at your body. It carries you around all day, and is the reason you're living. Be grateful for that.
10. Say No.
It's not hard. Say no to bad food; say no to drama; say no to people treating you any less than you deserve.
11. Accept Love.
This is the greatest gift you could ever give yourself. Accepting real love from someone is like no other feeling. To have such a positive feeling is irreplaceable. Sometimes, it isn't easy to accept love -- especially when you've been hurt -- but if someone is willing to love you for everything that you are and aren't, hold on to them.