1. Only look forward, never in the past
I'm a firm believer in the quote, "Everything happens for a reason." The past is the past and there's no reason to dwell on it. Always look forward to a bright and beautiful future.
2. Do what you love
Whether it's dancing in the shower and singing in the rain, do what you love and don't let anyone's beliefs or cruel remarks stop you. If you love to do it, DO IT.
3. Be thankful for what you do have
Look around at the beautiful life you live. You have food and shelter, you have family and friends, and you have your health. What else is there that you truly NEED?
4. Smile more
Whether you having the most amazing day of your life or your boyfriend just dumped you for no apparent reason, smile. Smile because you deserve too.
5. Be less selfish
I know we live in a world where almost everyone just thinks about themselves, but just maybe for a second think about someone else. There is no greater feeling than doing a nice deed for someone and being noticed for it.
6. Accept things as they are
Life is life and God has a plan. Accept negative things as they come your way and take it as a sign that something good will be coming shortly.
7. Surround yourself with positive people
How are you expected to live a positive lifestyle surrounded by negative people? Hangout out with those who inspire you to live life to the fullest.
8. Don't let fear consume your life
This may be blunt, but honest... We're all going to die one day whether we like it or not. Don't be scared! We only have a limited amount of days on this Earth, don't take them for granted.
9. Don't put others down to make yourself feel better
Putting others down to make yourself feel better is probably the worst possible thing you could do. Give that stranger walking down the street and compliment rather than bash their outfit. I promise it will not only make their day, but yours as well.
10. Don't get upset when you make mistakes
Mistakes happen and that's okay. I promise you there is not a single human being on this planet that doesn't make mistakes. All we can do is learn from them and move on.
11. Have patience
Patience is key, my friend. Without patience these first ten steps wouldn't be possible. Some things can't be rushed.