There comes a time in a semester, especially when it starts to get warmer outside, when you get into a slump. An unmotivated, moody, "I just want school to be over," slump. It's also can be known as hay fever or spring fever. We just want to go outside and forget about school and our problems. By this point in the semester or school year, everyone is ready for summer and to be done. This leads to us not caring enough to get our work done or study or pay attention in our classes. This then leads to our grades slipping and our gap crumpling, putting us in a bad position. This needs to be fixed now.
1) Create a Countdown Towards Your Next Break
Creating a countdown to when you can go home next will make you have something to look forward to. It'll also make you happy as you watch the numbers decrease each day. It's something to get you excited everyday.
2) Create a Daily To Do List
Creating a daily to do list will help you stay organized and on track. It'll help you get all your work down without stressing out about it. Each time you tick off a thing, it'll take more and more weight off your shoulders and make you feel more relaxed.
3) Take A Walk.
When it's a nice day out, take a walk. It'll give you a chance to take a break and enjoy some fresh air. After being cooped up indoors for so long, your body will need the sunlight and a chance to get out and move around.
4) Take Naps When Possible.
Take a nap as much as possible. If you don't get enough sleep, it'll start to take a toll on your body. Not only will your immune system weaken but your motivation to do anything will decrease. Taking a nap will definitely help keep your motivation up. Make sure its only up to 30 minutes or you'll feel over tired.
5) Go To The Gym and Eat Healthier.
Going to the gym will stimulate a hormone in your body that makes you happier and it'll make you happy over all with your body and self image. I'm not saying you have to work out but it will make you happier. Plus if you eat a little bit healthier, maybe a salad once a day or more fruit in the morning, you'll feel more energized. You need fuel your body with healthy food or you'll feel dragged down and gross most of the time. What you eat is how you feel.
Now, I'm not saying this will 100% help you, but it's a great way to get started on digging yourself out of the slump you're in. It'll get you more motivated and give you more energy to get things done. It'll teach you time management as well. You will definitely see an improvement from doing these things. It might not be a huge change at first, but eventually it will show you working and trying to make a change. Your teachers and professors will definitely see the difference and appreciate how hard you're working on yourself and your course work. All of this'll make you feel amazing about yourself and pull you out of your slump.