Most woman wish they had a J-Lo butt or even a butt like Kim Kardashian. Woman have even went through costly surgeries to get these results but, what if I told you that you can get a larger butt by only eating and exercising.
In order to get a bigger butt you have to eat right. Sure fast food will get the results you want but, where's the firmness, the definition, the shape. One who wants a bigger butt should be taking in healthy proteins such as beans, nuts, peanut butter( be careful it can make you thick quicker than expected), protein powder, fish and other lean meats and small healthy snacks.
Getting a big butt also needs some exercising. Don't worry about cardio when you go to the gym. Weight lifting helps scuplt the body. Doing the following exercises can really help you get that big booty you have been desiring. Farmer walks with two dumb bells, weighted squats, donkey kicks, torso twists, sit-ups, planks and plank twists. Doing these exercises will help tone the midsection giving you curves and a nice defined butt. (*note the heavier the weight the bigger the results)
Now getting a big butt won't happen over night so stick to a routine. Glute exercises should be performed three times a week, midsection should be performed twice a week and cardio once a week. Squats