My depression can really get me down sometimes. I've had many instances where me, or even my friends, have gotten to the point where we have to do something to distract ourselves from our depression or we we will do hurtful things to ourselves. I recently have been putting together a list of things that help my depression not get the best of me and sharing it with some of my friends as well.
Keep your hands occupied.
If your hands are not occupied, the more likely you are to hurt yourself. Keeping your hands occupied with some of these things will keep you from doing harm:
-Playing video games
-Learning an instrument (or just slamming a bunch of keys on a piano, I do that sometimes)
-Doing crafts (Pinterest is a great place to find crafts, I just made frosted mason jars the other day)
- Coloring adult coloring books
Keep your mind occupied
Your mind will beat you up. I constantly go through my days having an internal war with myself. To get rid of this, the mind has to be kept occupied on other things and not allowed to wander.
-Go for a walk (if you want to add hands on, bring a camera and take pictures)
-Read a book (outside preferably, it gets you out of your house, physically and mentally)
-Watch your favorite movie (but keep the hands occupied!)
-Play video games (hands and mind together!)
I always hope that whoever is having a bad day, will be able to come out of it, even if it is just enough that they do not hurt themselves. So I hope these are helpful to more than just me in the long run.