It's that time of year again where a new semester begins. Use the new semester to your advantage and treat it as a fresh start. Here's a list of things you can do to help you crush your new semester and every semester after!
1. Set Realistic Goals
I know it sounds cliché, but setting goals is absolutely necessary, especially when heading into a new semester. However, it's important to make sure your goals are realistic. Aiming for the stars is 100% okay, but don't set a goal that you know probably isn't achievable because you'll just end up disappointed which is not the goal!
2. Get Organized
A new semester means new professors and new classes so it's important that you get organized. Get a fresh notebook for each class, get all the textbooks and resources required, and maybe even a new pack of pencils. This also means getting organized outside of school too. Clean your room, change your sheets, and get rid of things you don't need... trust me, you'll feel like a new person. Starting off the semester with organization will reduce the amount of stress you experience throughout the semester.
3. Plan Ahead
With all new classes and a new schedule, it's important to make sure you plan ahead. Take a planner or a calendar on your phone and write out all of your activities inside and outside of school. Then go through your syllabuses and write down major due dates and test dates. Knowing about assignment, test, and project dates beforehand will raise your awareness of what things have to get done and when throughout the semester.
4. Get Motivated and Stay Motivated
I know it can be easy to be super motivated at the beginning of each semester and then lose that spark towards the end, but try to keep yourself motivated throughout the entire semester. If you are aiming for all A's, keep that motivation throughout the semester. And if you get one bad grade this semester, it isn't going to kill you. Use it as motivation to be better on the next test or assignment instead of just giving up and continuing to do poorly the rest of the semester.
5. Be Great In and Out of School
In order to have a great semester, it's crucial that you be the best you can be both in school and out of school. If you are doing good in school, but not keeping up with your things outside of school, such as not getting enough sleep, or keeping your room messy, it will eventually begin to effect what goes on inside of school. So just try to stay on top of everything and make sure you are taking care of yourself and your own needs!