Recently I went to go see a movie by myself (it was Hotel Transylvania 3, because yes I am a child) and it was honestly such an enjoyable experience! Going to see a movie by yourself is definitely rather stigmatized in this day and age, but I'm not antisocial, I just wanted to see the movie and no one else was free. Since I loved doing it so much and it actually made me feel strong and proud of myself, I started brainstorming other easy and fun ways to boost self-esteem.
1. Go see a movie by yourself
Gabi Loue
Seriously, I will recommend this to anyone ever. It was so much fun, I got to see whatever movie I wanted, whenever I wanted, with whatever snacks I wanted, and I didn't have to worry about whether or not the person next to me was having fun or liked the movie. I could just relax with myself.
And if you really are worried about being seen by people you know, go at an awkward time (I went to an 11:30 am showing), or just have an excuse at the ready, like "my sister/parent/whoever was going to see this movie with me but couldn't make it, so I thought "why to let a ticket go to waste?".
2. Send that food back!
We have all gotten those meals at a restaurant where the food is just not right, whether it be different from what you ordered or just tastes funky.
Now, at these moments the customer may send the food back and request another, but it can be super easy to fall into the trap of thinking you can deal with it just this once, or you don't want to be a bother, or that you just want to keep your human interaction to a minimum.
However, you paid for this meal and you will be the one sitting there and eating it, so it might as well be good! It may seem like a daunting task to tell the waiter, but trust me, they've heard it before and will think nothing less of you.
So now you're happy and you have good food, and if they're true friends, they won't leave the restaurant without you.
Plus, if you send it back some restaurants take it off your bill or give you a discount, so this tip is not only good for your self-confidence but also your wallet.
3. Clothes work wonders.
Photo by from Pexels
Stop this idea of just throwing on whatever's around. Put on clothes that you know look good, that you know are uniquely you, that you know you actually like.
Even if you're not going to a big event, I promise you it'll increase your confidence tenfold. This is also a great tip if you have a really big presentation coming up that you're nervous about; where clothes you love and your confidence will shine through.
4. Try at home exercise practices
Photo by from Pexels
Look, a gym is a tough environment, especially for those struggling with confidence and body image. That's why I personally enjoy working out in the comfort of my own room through videos online, either free on YouTube or packages you buy. I could write a whole other article about how my at home yoga practice has changed my life, but that's a story for another day.
5. Stop saying sorry
Now, I'm not saying go around and be rude to everyone, if you actually mess something up, please apologize. What I'm talking about is all of the apologizing we do for the little things, whether it's talking for awhile about our interests (even if we were asked) or not understanding a joke or just anything that we feel mildly embarrassed about. It's an unhealthy habit and ends up making us feel worse about ourselves.
Here's a cool trick to try if you are like me and are an excessive apologizer; try replacing the word sorry with something ridiculous or random, like "platypus."
Every time you're tempted to say sorry for something small and insignificant, say platypus instead, and you'll realize how much you apologize when it just isn't needed.
6. Do you want to watch a kid’s movie? Then watch a kid’s movie
This one boils down to the fact that no one is in control of your free time, or how you spend it.
Yes, we are "adults" and we have to do "adult things" and most people think that has to mean shying away from anything childlike or "just for kids."
But that's completely the wrong idea! Now that we're adults we have to freedom to engage in all of our childhood fantasies, like driving by Wendy's and getting that Frosty or going to that cool exhibit at the aquarium or yes, watching a kid's movie just because you want to.
Once you start embracing that side of yourself, self-confidence gets a whole lot easier.
7. Dance!
If you're home alone, crank up that music (seriously, as loud as you want, no one is telling you no) and dance! Just move around, have fun, smile. No one is judging your dance moves, just listen to your favorite songs and move to the music. This gets you comfortable in your body and with having a good time, regardless of anyone else.
Plus the music is amazing for the mood and life in general. And another thing, if you are at a dance, please dance. Don't just stand on the sidelines, everyone knows that's not nearly as fun as being on the dance floor.
Even if there aren't a lot of people on the dance floor, that doesn't mean you can't be. And people will be drawn to your energy like flies (or they do their own thing and you do you) and BAM, there are the self-confidence and the self-enjoyment.
We all struggle with confidence issues from time to time but don't let these issues define who you are. Get out there and go see a movie and dance to your heart's content.
I wish all of you the best of luck in your individual journeys and just know that you are strong, beautiful, and amazing human beings.