It is a lot easier than you think. Here are 15 ways to help you out.
1. Always opt for a filling breakfast such as oatmeal.Â
Studies show that morning eaters consume less than calories and more nutrient dense foods than night eaters.
2. Opt for the salad bars instead of burgers and fries.Â
Salads do not have to be boring. You can add a variety of toppings like beans, olives, cheese, nuts, peppers, and other vegetables. But, try to use olive oil and vinegar as your dressing because the pre-made versions tend to have higher sugar levels.
3. Limit snacking at night.Â
You can do this by not keeping desserts in your dorm room and by not bringing extra money with you that you could spend on food when going out at night.
4. Always take the stairs instead to your dorm room instead of the elevators.Â
5. Plan out in advance at least 3-5 days that you can go during the week.Â
Hold yourself accountable to this by setting reminders in the calendar app on your phone or using the alarm app and using the repeat feature so it will go off only on the days that you choose.
6. Try to take gym elective classes like pilates.Â
These classes are usually one credit so you'll be getting academic and physical benefits. In the course catalog, these can be found under the prefix PED.
7. Drink black coffee or coffee with almond milk instead of half and half.Â
8. Drink water instead of sodas.Â
If you do not like the taste of plain water chose Bubly sparking water or the fruit infused waters from the dining halls.
9. Get a cute water bottle and keep it with you at all times.Â
This will help you remain hydrated throughout the day and prevent you from grabbing sugary drinks from the vending machines.
10. Buy cute and comfortable workout clothes.Â
Because let's face it, wearing a new outfit makes you want to go to the gym so that you can show it off.
11. Wear workout clothes and sneakers to class.Â
This is way easier than trying to get yourself out of bed later in the day.
12. Allow yourself time to catch up on some of your favorite Netflix shows while using the elliptical or stationary bike.Â
13. Join running club or one of the other intramural sports clubs on campus.Â
14. Make a playlist of your favorite songs on Spotify.Â
This will help pump you up and make working out more fun.