While texting my sister today, otherwise known as Sass Queen, I realized how unproductive I had been since I came home from work. I had this whole plan to clean my room, make dinner, and submit my article for the week but I ultimately avoided that by watching Netflix and taking a nap. With all that in mind, my sister and I compiled a list of ways we avoid being productive so we could share them all here with you.
1. Scrolling through Facebook/Twitter/Instagram even though nothing new is popping up.
2. Doing your make up... just because.
3. Binge watching a show on Netflix that you've already seen 3 times.
4. Playing with random stuff in your room/reorganizing your bedroom furniture.
5. Eating and Napping.
6. Convincing yourself you don't feel well so you don't feel bad about laying in bed all day.
7. Dance parties by yourself in your underwear.
8. Pinterest-ing that wedding even though you don't have a groom/bride yet.
9. Moving to different rooms in the house to feel productive when you're really just walking around for no reason.
10. Talking to literally anyone around you.
11. Googling cute dogs wearing tiny hats.
12. Researching fun facts about Disney or cats or pie or whatever your heart desires.
The list could go one forever and ever and as much as I love getting stuff done, avoiding it is just so much better.