Everyone knows, Sunday can be a pretty stressful day, especially for a college student. No matter if you had a crazy weekend or just watched Netflix the whole time, when Sunday rolls around, it’s always a huge surprise and wake up call. Now, you must get prepared to face Monday, the actual worst day of the week. High-schoolers, middle-schoolers, and parents seemingly have an easier Sunday than college students because they can spend it relaxing, perhaps doing a minimal amount of homework assignments, and going to church. On the contrary, we must spend our Sundays cramped inside studying and maybe a few other productive activities if we’re lucky. While this article is written from the perspective of a really exhausted student on a Sunday, keep in mind some of my favorite things happen on Sundays too (mainly new Game of Thrones episodes).
Here are 11 things that you’ve probably experienced if you’ve ever woken up on a Sunday after a long weekend:
1. Waking up just in time for Chick-fil-A bfast, driving all the way there and only then remembering that today is Sunday
2. Or that one Sunday when you don’t wake up until 3 and you’ve got a test tomorrow and pit breakfast is closed.
3. Laundry! Especially if you still live on campus and literally everyone does their laundry on Sundays.
4. Watching all the church snaps and then remembering that you have that test tomorrow. If you didn’t take a selfie does going to church even matter?
5. Trying so hard to finish all your homework before 9 so you can watch Game Of Thrones on time but never coming even close and you accidentally check out fb and the whole episode is ruined.
6. Deleting all your texts from last night “haha sorry my friend had my phone”
7. All the mom and dad missed calls. There needs to be an automated response message: “I’m in the library, I can’t talk!”
8. Making eye contact across the lib with that one person that you had a three hour conversation with last night. A closed mouth smile and quick look away will suffice.
9. Checking all the emails from your professors that you’ve ignored since Friday right after class
10. All the “how was your weekend” questioning that you really don’t have the time to answer so you tell them every detail and then apologize because you have so much work and can’t talk anymore
11. Finally deciding to take off that eyeliner 3 days later and realizing you're blind now.