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9 Ways To Prepare For An Exam

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9 Ways To Prepare For An Exam

At this moment you could either be reading this or studying, and honestly, I'm glad that you're reading this. Don't worry I'll give you some tips on how to prepare for your upcoming exam. Are you ready? Let's go!

Open your textbooks/online resources.


Since you already paid a couple of hundred bucks on those bad boys, might as well use them. Also, this will make your teachers very happy because a lot of them write their own books and make you buy them.

Plan it out so you can rock it out.


I feel that having a planner has truly saved my life from total doom. Deadlines are no joke, and your professors don't think so either. Save up those two dropped assignments for important situations not because you forgot to turn it in. Overall, planners help you plan out your life and what needs to be done for the day. Use it to your advantage!

Have designated notebooks/tabs on your computer for each subject.


If you can have a notebook with every subject in it, then honestly good for you. I personally can't do that because I would lose my mind. I think it's very helpful to have everything in its own place. Trust me, it will help a lot.

Round up all your favorite pencils, pens, and highlighters.


Although this seems small, having your favorite study tools will help with your self-confidence. When I use the same pencil when studying and then use it on the exam it really helps. Honestly it may just be a placebo effect, but don't knock it until you try it!

NOte cards? More like "yes" cards!


These little guys are very helpful because they help you by applying some of your senses. For example, when you write down the definition and say it out loud it increases your learning curve. Once they're all written out you can always re-look at them. Don't limit yourself with just paper though—I've found that Quizlet has been helpful too!

Procrastination is not key.


Try to not wait until the last minute. You're going to be more stressed out due to all the material that you have to look over. Then you realize that you have to study more than expected because you actually don't know anything. Moral of the story, don't procrastinate and wait until the last minute.

Team work! Team work! Team work!


Don't understand a concept? That's okay! You asked the professor/TA and still don't understand? That's still okay! Don't be afraid to ask for help. Your friends aren't just there to hang out—some of them tend to be really good "tutors" and can explain the concept to you easier than the actual professor.

If you snooze, you don't always lose.


I can't stress this enough, but sleep is important. I'm not saying to sleep for 12 hours, but sleep enough to where you feel like you would be energized and ready for your exam. You know yourself better than anyone, so that will depend on the number of hours you need to sleep.

Confidence creates quality work.


Don't stress too much about your exam. I'm sure you will do great. If you've studied and prepared enough, it will show. A test does not define who you are, and I'm sure you're a pretty awesome person.

I hope these steps help you do well and prepare for your exam. I believe in you and you should too. Also, if you're procrastinating at this moment, finish reading this article and then go ahead and study. I appreciate you for taking the time to read this and good luck!

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