Here are some tips and tricks I use to make this otherwise tedious task more fun.
Put on some music
Putting on some music makes everything more fun! dancing around while doing chores can make everything less tedious and allows you to enjoy what you are doing.
Start with the bigger tasks
Sometimes starting with making your bed or cleaning off bigger surfaces can help move things along more easily. The dent in the work you are doing will be more noticeable and will allow you to feel motivated while you are cleaning.
throw out unnecessary trash or items you don't use
hoarding items you never use and other trash will clutter up your room quickly and removing them from your room will de clutter and maybe allow you to see the floor of your bedroom.
Dance around! Make it your own little dance party
As I said before with the music, dancing around will make everything more fun and make the time pass. Keeping everything exciting will allow you to have fun and get things done at the same time!