None of our lives are perfect. We all have our ups and downs and we all go through those obstacles in our lives. However, we all need to remember that we have a life to live and we should live a happy one. We ned to remember that each day is a new day and life is worth living. Yes, we all have our bad days and we will be having more of those until the day we die. But we will also have our good days. And those days are the ones we will remember.
We need to live a happy life. We can't always control what happens but we can control how we react to anything that happens in our lives. What I have learned through everything that I have been through is that life goes on. There's no need to sit around being sad about something for too long because you need to be happy. What helps me are these things to remember in order to be happy.
1. It's not the end of the world.
Sometimes you need to remember and realize that your life isn't over. Yes, what's happening to you isn't what you want right now. Trust me when I say that I know that it hurts...a lot. But you need to remember to keep your head up and keep living life to the fullest.
You may not be living the life you expected but things do turn out for the better and you will wake up with a smile on your face again.
2. Pain does go away.
I may not know exactly what you are going through, but I get it. We all go through pain. Life hits us sometimes and it can hit us pretty hard. It hurts, I know. But listen when I say this; the pain goes away. You'll wake up one morning and you will feel completely different. You will feel almost as though everything that happened to you happened a long time ago. You will feel relieved because it will be as if you are starting over and beginning a new and improved chapter of your life.
3. Remember who you are.
We all tend to forget ourselves, especially in bad times. We lose focus on what is important while we worry about so many tedious things. You need to remember yourself; who you are and that there is a reason why you are here. You need to realize that this is your life, a life that you need to make the most of. Don't lose yourself in all the commotion. Instead, find yourself.
4. Asking for help isn't a bad thing.
I'm the type of person to keep everything in until I explode one day. Trust me, not a good idea. There's always going to be people around you who are willing to listen to you and help. They want you to be happy as much as you want to be happy.
It's not a bad thing to go to someone and just talk. I have friends who I go to for about almost everything and anything. Instead of keeping it all inside, let it out. Tell someone how you feel because even if you don't get the response you want you will feel better just letting out what you need to say.
5. You are in charge.
Why are you sitting around letting life get the worst of you? You know you are in charge, right? You can get up right now and make today a better day for yourself. You can decide who you keep and take out of your life to make it a better one.
I know you can't always dictate what happens in your life but you can most certainly control how it affects you. You determine what happens afterward.
There's no clear guide set for how to be happy and on living a happy life. Everyone has their own ways of being happy. Sometimes you just have to take life for what it is and make the most of it. Not everything is under your control but you have control over yourself and your reactions. You and you alone are able to make it better. You may not necessarily be able to make it 100% better but you can make it better for yourself.
Everything takes time. You won't go to bed one night and wake up and have all of your problems be gone and taken care of. You have to work for it. There were days when I wanted to give up, we all have those days but you need to remember that there's more out there for you. Don't give up on your happiness because one day you will look back and be happy that you didn't let the bad things control your life. You will be happy again.