This past week my friend and I were lucky enough to finally get ourselves on a plane and adventure towards the West Coast. The destination you may ask? Los Angeles. Now, many of you may be thinking that we were heading there for the obvious fame and fortune so many seek for out there. While obviously not many people would turn down fame nor fortune, that was not our goal. We were simply on a mission to visit a good friend who had moved there in the past year, and have a continuous weekend of #adventuredays. (For those of you who don't know, or cannot seem to guess what a #adventureday is, it is a day you go seeking any sorts of adventures with fellow seekers, totally made up by us, but feel free to be inspired.)
Anyway, without knowing what was to come, we set out at four a.m (eastern standard time) on New Year's Eve and headed out to the unknown (California). While we were there, of course, we had the time of our lives, just as we had planned. With the wise knowledge of a real live Los Angelonian as our tour guide, we got to experience Los Angeles first hand. As our adventures came to another close, and we returned to a lovely fourteen degrees in New Jersey, we realized, Los Angeles had changed our views on some things. How may you ask? Let me explain.
Sun. Sunshine everywhere.
Even though winter had just started here in New Jersey, when we got to California it felt as though I have not felt or seen sunshine quite like that in my entire life. It was everywhere. All day, every day. Of course, since it is January the sun set pretty early, but not to worry, we made the most of it. Even waking up was easier because of the sun. I wanted to wake up early and hop out of bed just to go outside and feel the warmth.
General levels of friendliness.
I specifically mention friendliness, not niceness, for a reason. No, of course not everyone in all of Los Angeles is friendly, but my god, they were much more friendly than most you would meet in New York. (I think it's because of all that sunshine).

An abundance of nature to explore.
From miles and miles of beaches, cliffs, hills, mountains, and tons of outdoor shops, for those who aren't too into nature. The fact that you could lay on the beach in a bikini on New Years Day was amazing alone. Everyone is outside, running, walking, hiking, climbing, dancing, or just sitting and relaxing getting some sun and fresh air. Who really could choose differently?
Of course, there were many things that seemed a little extreme (yes, I'm looking at you Animal Spa owners). But I think this coast is on to something us on the east coast are definitely missing out on. Their importance on health, personal and for the world as a whole, makes a big difference in the way they live. No, of course you do not have to drink Kale smoothies all day every day. But, there are so many options to improve the health of yourself it really does make all the difference. Eating a little bit fresher, taking a hike, being outside and active makes you feel so much more alive than constantly working in the office, eating a microwavable meal and going to bed.
You get to focus on yourself for once. Not just complaining about how busy you are and how your life sucks so much more than everyone else's. Not only do they promote the important of your own health (physical and mental), but the health of the planet. Recycling and waste is taken to an extreme there. You even have to bring your own reusable grocery bags to the stores, and you know what? It makes sense! After being there for a short while, there were so many little things I realized I can change in my own life, that can make me happier but also make the world a little happier.
The whole time, we kept asking ourselves, if people could live anywhere in the world, why would anyone choose anywhere else than somewhere that made you feel like your life was a movie? Did we really have to return home? Would this amazing dream-like place ever be called our home? Of course, it was different because we were on a vacation of sorts, but if I l brought home anything else (that did not have to fit in my over-packed luggage), once we stopped rushing through life, we were amazed at how much more life we had time for.
If you are really interested (I know you are) on what our adventures of L.A looked like, follow the hashtags #Kelseystakela.