Growing up in a small town has it ups and downs, but as I come back to my hometown for breaks, I realize how lucky I am to have grown up in such an amazing community. All the quirks and perks of this two-square-mile little town make being from Ohio something to brag about.
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1. You rarely ate lunch in the cafeteria.
From first grade through senior year, we were allowed to walk home, around the corner to Ashley's Pastry Shop, or throw the Frisbee on the front lawn while eating a bagged lunch during the sacred 11:43-12:43 hour. Seriously, Oakwood, just make it 11:45 and make it less confusing for Oakwood Moms everywhere.
2. You marched in the That Day in May parade.
Who even knows what "That Day in May" even means? Regardless, no one lives in Oakwood and doesn't get their shot at marching. I think there are more people in the parade than actually watching it.
3. You took Ms. Camille's ballet class or played indoor soccer at the OCC.
Let's face it: The OCC is where you found your passion (or not) thanks to those parent coaches. It's also were you had your first slow dance at those extremely awkward junior high dances.
4. You can walk from one end of town to the other in about 30 minutes, but it ends up taking longer because you stop to talk to everyone.
I actually experienced this when walking my dog in December. We took a two-mile walk, and I knew every single person I passed on the sidewalk.
5. You thought the salad bar at DLM was free food until like last year.
Open 24 hours and filled with memories of reluctant grocery shopping, it is always a good place to see that person you haven't talked to since graduation or one of your parents' friends who is eager to learn about your life.
6. You have hardcore elementary school pride (Harmanite for life).
Except in seventh grade when all the Harman girls meet all those Smith boys and all the Harman boys start to notice those Smith girls.
7. You get all the feels when walking by Shafor Park.
Kids these days are spoiled with all this upgraded playground equipment, but I will never forget the dirty sand and running through the fountain even when mom said no.
8. You are used to taking the long way home in the summer because so many streets are blocked off for block parties.
Complete with cornhole, barbecue, and a visit from the Oakwood Fire Department -- block parties are an essential in the summer.
9. You are still in touch with your high school, elementary, and even kindergarten teachers.
We aren't one of the top high schools in the country (and proud of it) for no reason. The Oakwood School District offers an incredible education, but not just because of the curriculum. The teachers, administration, and even custodians go above and beyond to make lasting differences in students' lives.10. The term "snow day" isn't in your vocabulary but "walking community" is.
Explaining to people that you never took the bus to school because your school didn't own any buses is one of those "you had to be there" type of things.
11. You know everyone sitting next to you at graduation
This pretty much sums up everything that is Oakwood. Everyone comes from different families, friend groups, and elementary schools, but in the end, we all had to deal with two-hour parking, and I think we can all bond over that.
You have to hand it to our parents and community members for making childhood so special. Looking back, some of my best memories were on sidewalks, with neighbors who are still my closest friends. Maybe you didn't experience these things quite the same way I did, but one thing will always remain true: Harman is better than Smith.
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