Every January, we create a list of New Year's resolutions. Things like going to the gym, eating healthier, or staying in more. And every year, none of them are followed through after two weeks. It can be hard keeping a resolution but there are some easy ways that you can!
1. Get a planner.
Planning helps. Write out your entire day, every day in order to keep track of what you have to accomplish and already have. If it's right in front of you every day, it'll be hard to not pay attention.
2. Follow your planner.
Set a strict schedule, and stay on track. Whatever your resolution is, if it's in your planner, you know it has to happen. This also means that you're always planning a time for it so it doesn't get put off
3. Use your reminder app.
Set reminders for yourself. Remember to check your planner, do your resolutions, and anything else. That way, everything you need done is reinforced.
4. Find an accountability buddy.
You keep track of them and they keep track of you. There's no way for you to flake out on yourself if there is someone right by your side. You just have to pick a trustworthy buddy!
5. Form good habits.
Once you form a habit, it's hard to break. Start small, and then work your way up. Habits take 21 days to form, which is less than a month! You can do it.