11 Ways To Give Back This Thanksgiving | The Odyssey Online
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11 Ways To Give Back This Thanksgiving

11 Ways To Give Back This Thanksgiving

After pulling repeated all-night study sessions, working long shifts and attending meeting after meeting, thousands of college students across the country are embarking on an adventure known as Thanksgiving Break. While this vacation is longed for and needed, giving back a little of our own leisure time to volunteering and "paying it forward" may be the best way to give thanks this year.

1. Donate canned goods to a local charity.

Charities are more than happy to accept any variety of canned vegetables or fruit. Your donation will help feed a family in need on Thanksgiving. Although it may not seem like a huge contribution, it will relieve at least one struggling family from either the financial burden of the meal or forgoing Thanksgiving dinner completely.

2. Volunteer at a local food bank.

After donating canned goods to your local charity or food bank, volunteer to help sort and distribute them. When food banks receive hundreds and thousands of different canned good varieties, someone has to organize the chaos... someone like you. With enough volunteers, the green beans will be separated from the spiced apples in no time. Then you can deliver the boxes of canned goods to their intended recipients.

3. Serve at a soup kitchen.

During your Thanksgiving Break, plan a day with friends or family to serve at a soup kitchen. Simply sharing a smile with someone in the food line might be all it takes to brighten their day. Working behind the scenes to prepare a meal is equally as important and fulfilling. Someone’s hungry stomach will be glad you helped.

4. Run or volunteer for a Thanksgiving-themed race.

Work off all the mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie by getting back in shape and supporting a good cause. Find a Thanksgiving-themed race in your area that donates proceeds to a charitable organization. Just register for a race, pin on your number and run (or walk) your heart out. Not into running? Volunteers are always needed to set up registration, hand out t-shirts, work concessions and cheer on runners.

5. Visit nursing home residents.

Nursing home residents love visitors. Once you have introduced yourself, you are practically family. The holiday season is a wonderful time to bring cheer into the lives of nursing home residents, especially if their families cannot visit them. Make a new friend and become someone’s second family.

6. Perform music at community events.

Have a musical talent? Check your community’s event calendar and find a venue where you can share your music. Contact the organization or venue and offer to provide musical entertainment free of charge. Finding a place to volunteer will not be difficult. Everyone loves a good musician.

7. Make a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child.

Grab a shoebox and fill it with new and exciting toys, clothing, books, school and craft supplies, and non-liquid hygiene products for children. A box of gifts will certainly make any child happy during the holiday season. Shoeboxes can be donated through a local organization or individually. For more information click here.

8. Send Santa to the troops by donating to Operation Care Package.

Send holiday cheer to our troops stationed overseas. You can help “Santa” through monetary donations, sponsoring care packages, stuffing Christmas stockings or donating items from the “Wish List.” “Wish List” items include, but are not limited to: letters, canned goods, batteries, gift cards, coffee and blankets. For more information click here.

9. Donate toys to Toys for Tots.

Take advantage of Black Friday sales and discounts to shop for a child’s dream Christmas present. Any doll, stuffed animal or board game will put a little magic and hope in a child’s Christmas morning. Not heading out into Black Friday madness? That’s OK. Holiday sales are here to stay for the duration of the season. For more information click here.

10. Decorate and donate a Christmas tree to a Christmas benefit, hospital, shelter or nursing home.

After surviving Black Friday shopping, relax and unwind by decorating a Christmas tree for donation. Whether it be a three-foot tree or a seven-foot tree, it will bring joy and happiness to all who see it. Not only will your beautiful Christmas tree deck the hallways of a hospital or nursing home, but it will help remind everyone of the reason for the season.

11. Hand craft holiday cards for donation.

Get creative and hand design holiday cards for Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year's or even the season of winter! Search craft stores for scrapbook supplies, decorations and stationery. On a low-budget? Find odds-and-ends such as, buttons, ribbon, yarn, markers or beads, in your home to glue on a card. Of course, simple cards are just as sweet. Deliver your heartfelt and handmade holiday cards to a hospital, nursing home, school or shelter.

To all those beginning Thanksgiving Break, consider volunteering and giving the merriment of the holidays to our fellow friends.

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