I was going to write about to avoid the dreaded freshman fifteen, but what’s that thing about practicing what you preach? So, let me share with you all my tips and trick on how to get REAL gains during your first year of college.*
1. Never Skip a Meal
We all hear how there are three meals a day, but did you know there are actually four? Not many people do and it disturbs me. For maximum effectiveness have your last meal after 12:00 AM and make sure it is packed with carbohydrates. The carbs will be stored as energy in your body throughout the night, giving you a boost when you wake up the next morning.**
2. Drink Lots of Fluids
Always keep hydrated with energy drinks, sports drinks, carbonated soda’s (diet preferred), and mixed coffee drinks. If you must drink water to quench your cravings make sure to keep a bottle of your favorite flavor water drops and always add more than the suggested amount.
3. Keep Track of Calories
Recreational activities and sports are okay and are highly recommended, but make sure to treat your body with respect. After such strenuous activity, replenishing your body of its lost calories is essential, but most people stop at replenishing. This is wrong. You should not only repay your body for the calories you have so senselessly burned away, but you should also double it as to not anger your hormones.
4. Snack It Up
Have snacks between your meals to keep your metabolism going. When thinking about what snacks to eat use the triangle guide below. You know your snack is in the clear if it falls in the category of two corners of the Snack Triangle.
Some suggested snacks include chips and dips, cookies, gummy candies, pretzels, cakes, and Pop Tarts (this is a supper food as it hits all corners of the Snack Triangle). Chocolate also makes for a great snack and I hear it’s good for heart health!
5. Potatoes, Potatoes, Potatoes
Many people would argue that potatoes offer little nutritional value and should be eaten in moderation, but why would God make potatoes so versatile if He didn’t want us to eat them for every meal? Try to incorporate potatoes into at least three of your four daily meals, but having potatoes included in your fourth meal is a must—a ‘potato priority’ if you will.
Keep these tips in mind and I'll see you in 15 (lb).
*Please do not follow this horrible advice.
**This is not scientifically proven or supported. It will most definitely be stored as fat.