10 Ways To Help Ease A Bad Mental Health Day | The Odyssey Online
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10 Ways To Help Ease A Bad Mental Health Day

Some days are just worse than others, and that's okay.

10 Ways To Help Ease A Bad Mental Health Day
Ezra Jeffrey

Some mornings, you just wake up and the day already feels like it is going to be a bad one. Bad mental health days can be awful, and sometimes you feel completely hopeless when they come along. In my experience with bad mental health days, there are some easy ways to make them a little better.

1. Take a bath.

If you don’t have a bath, a long shower can work just as well. Afterward, use your favorite moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.

2. Go get a coffee.

But, remember that sometimes coffee can trigger anxiety. If you have problems with this, get decaf or even some sort of tea, and remember to drink water and keep hydrated.

3. Complete a task.

This task can be something as simple as making your bed or doing a load of laundry. At least then you have completed one small task that can help you feel a little more organized and accomplished for the day.

4. Write in a journal.

Writing in a journal can be a means to vent, but also a beneficial tool for keeping track of how you are feeling. Then, maybe next time you have a bad mental health day you can refer to that journal entry to see how you were feeling, and possibly how you dealt with it.

5. Watch your favorite television show/movie or read your favorite book.

Watching your favorite shows over again can be extremely relaxing as you don’t feel the need to be glued to the television, but it is also still a form of entertainment.

6. Call your grandma, your mom, your dad or anyone you are close to just to talk.

Sometimes openly talking about how you are feeling with someone else can make everything a little better, and I am sure that calling your mom, dad or close grandparent will brighten their day as well. They love hearing from us college kids, even if it is just us calling to vent.

7. Work out.

If you are feeling up for it, go to the gym or even just for a long walk somewhere. Working out is not always easy, but the endorphins it releases can help make you feel a little better after the workout.

8. Avoid politics.

I am a lover of politics, and keep up with them frequently. But sometimes, especially with the current political climate, it can just be overwhelming. Avoid politics on a day that has you feeling more stressed out than usual.

9. Buy something you have been wanting for a long time.

Though material possessions will not make everything better, sometimes it is nice to reward yourself with something you have been wanting for a while.

10. Listen to upbeat music.

This is an obvious one, but it has been statistically proven that listening to upbeat music can help better your mood.

Though these things will not ever completely cure a mental illness, it is just a handful of ways that can help ease a particularly bad day. If you feel that you are having many bad mental health days, schedule an appointment with a counselor. Here at the University of Kentucky, there are free counselors available to students. Never be ashamed to want help for mental illness, and remember that seeking professional help is sometimes the only way to help treat a mental illness. To schedule an appointment with a counselor through UK, call 859-323-2778.

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