5 Undebatable Reasons Dunkin' Donuts Is Better Than Starbucks | The Odyssey Online
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Food Drink

I Rest My Case, Dunkin' Dunks On Starbucks In Every Way Possible

Watch out Starbucks lovers, America runs on Dunkin'!

2 girls sitting with drinks from Dunkin Donuts

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These days, coffee is becoming a more and more serious matter. Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts seem to be the head of this debate right now, being two of the most popular coffee shops around. Yet, there really is no reason for debate, considering Dunkin' Donuts has done nothing other than beat Starbucks in every aspect. Starbucks is no match for Dunkin' Donuts for an infinite number of reasons. Here are just a few of them.

1. They have more reasonable prices

Probably one of the biggest factors that separate Dunkin' Donuts from its competitor Starbucks is the quite large difference in their prices. A simple 16 ounce iced coffee from Starbucks is a whopping $2.65, while the same size ice coffee from Dunkin' Donuts is just $1.99. Every little bit helps when you have a coffee addiction, and Starbucks jacked up prices compared to Dunkin' Donuts are just not worth it.

2. They have many more options

Besides the obvious fact that Dunkin' Donuts has every type of donut you can think of and Starbucks does not. They also have a better selection of breakfast foods and bakery items. Many different breakfast sandwich combinations, hashbrowns, types of muffins, coffee rolls, and even munchkins, Starbucks can barely compete with their minimal options and those small cake pops. If you're in it for the food, Starbucks definitely will not satisfy your needs.

3. They have better service

I do not know about you, but I have never once been to a Starbucks that did not take at least five or more minutes to get me my order on a regular day. I have never once been to a Dunkin' Donuts that did not take five or fewer minutes to get me my order on a regular day. I mean, as a business with overall fewer options, how can they possibly be taking longer than the diverse Dunkin' Donuts? On top of that, the ordering process is much faster at Dunkin' Donuts than Starbucks, considering you can simply order a small, medium, or large, as opposed to the ever-complicated tall, grande, and venti. The names for these sizes cause so much confusion for those without common sense so that just slows down the quick service we are looking for.

4. They have better deals

Dunkin' Donuts offers deals to its customers that Starbucks would never think of offering. With their app, you are constantly earning free items and deals. Earn 200 points for being a loyal customer? Free any size drink! Not to mention the random offers they provide throughout the year, just because. Starbucks just lets its customers continue on paying their crazy prices, no matter how loyal they may be.

5. Their food just tastes better

Overall, Dunkin' Donuts just tastes so much better than Starbucks. The bitter taste of Starbucks coffee is no match for the smooth version from Dunkin' Donuts. No matter what you order from Dunkin, you can always be sure you'll have just the right taste you're looking for. Who wants to pay for the unwelcoming taste of Starbucks?

For these reasons alone, Dunkin' Donuts is the obvious choice if you are looking for the place with overall the best options for all your needs. Watch out Starbucks lovers, America runs on Dunkin'!

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