As a young child, I was never really into chocolate. After researching on how to lose weight, I found out that dark chocolate is very nutritious and contains plenty of powerful antioxidants. It contains high amounts of Iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, and so on.
It's very rich in cocoa and has been proven to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Because Due it enhances sensitivity to insulin, it can result in lowering one’s risk for type 2 diabetes. As a college student, it can really benefit me when I am in class. It has been shown that dark chocolate increases blood flow to the brain, decreasing the amount of inflammation while providing necessary minerals that help fight off Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
For people who suffer from asthma, this will definitely help them out. It works as a cough suppressant containing three important components such as caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline. Who knew that dark chocolate could fight off tooth decay and protect you from the Sun’s UV Ray’s as well?
On Valentine’s Day, chocolate is the main thing we give to our special someone and maybe this is the reason why. It helps relieve stress and relax us while on the other hand helps produce higher levels of energy.
Next time you’re at the store and you're deciding whether to choose between yummy dark or sweet milk chocolate, consider how it might help your health!
Information gathered here.