There has been so much going on that has really been tearing me down. I was getting to the point where all I wanted to do was sleep and sit on my phone. One night, I decided to take control of my life again and change myself for the better. I realized what I need to do and got to it and I'm so glad that I did. I really like the person I am becoming and want to keep working towards being a better person. I've realized that it all can be done, you just have to take it one step at a time!
1. Eating healthier
I used to drink Mountain Dew every day! It was getting to the point where it was all I would drink. I ate fast food a lot and always felt crummy. I have since turned my diet around and am working on being a healthier me!
2. Being proud of my body
We all have those things about us that we don't like. I was starting to dread even looking in a mirror. I let my insecurities become too large and it was bringing me down — fast! I wanted to love myself again. I have since changed my attitude and forced myself to look in the mirror and find something positive!
3. Being true to who I am
I felt like I was starting to not be true to myself. I was letting others change how I felt. I was able to see that and learn to acknowledge how I felt and not back down just because someone disagrees. I will stand my ground and make sure my voice is heard.
4. Being positive!
I used to always be so positive. That started to fade, and my negativity was becoming bigger than my positivity. That's what bothered me most. I have learned that for every negative, I will find at least two positives! Positives will overrule the negative.
5. Setting goals
Set reachable goals. Set a goal and don't stop until you reach it! Work hard and don't give up. You must find something you are truly passionate about or the goal will fade away.
6. Love MYSELF!
One of the most valuable lessons I have ever learned was that no one can love you until you love yourself. I truly believe in this. I have learned to love myself and I am now open to love from others. It's very important to love who you are as a person!
7. Laugh more!
I have become so serious in a world that should be full of laughter. I have learned to laugh in somewhat serious situations to make the mood a little more light. I have learned to just laugh more often because everything's better when you're laughing! Have fun and enjoy life because you only get one!