I have a good feeling about 2017. This year I want to change many things about my lifestyle like my eating habits, healthy lifestyle, and all the other cliché things we all want as bikini season is soon approaching. And I know that this is said every year, but I am going to try to think and be optimistic about the year and I want to start it off right with the people that I love the most.
In order to do this, I want to start being a better friend. I have different groups of friends such as my best friend ever who goes to a different school, my roommates that I love so much and could talk to for hours, my college friends who I will treasure forever, and my friends that I will always care about even if we don’t talk as often. For this new year I want to be better and I want my friends to be better by doing these things:
1. Honesty
I want to be more honest with my friends about my feelings and what is going on in my life. I am usually very reserved when it comes to things in my personal life and I only share things with very few people. Now I’m not saying I want to tell all my business to the world, but if something my friend does is bothering me, I want to be honest with them about it instead of hiding my feelings.
2. Togetherness
I want to spend more time with my friends, even with little things throughout the day. Instead of making coffee and eating a muffin in the morning, I want to drink my coffee and make breakfast together. Instead of going to church by myself, I want to invite my friends to come along and we can worship together. It's always better when we're together ;)
3. Communication
There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t talk my long distance best friend in some way or another, but why don’t I do this with some of my other friends? Instead of liking a photo of theirs on instagram, I should text them to let them know I am thinking about them. Communication is key in every relationship, this includes your friends and peers.
4. Gossiping
This is a tough one because no one wants to admit that they gossip about their friends, but we do. What it’s about is irrelevant because whether it’s something pointless or something dramatic, it needs to stop.
5. Toxic Friends
Being a better friend is not always about keeping the friend. In order to be the best person I can be, sometimes that means leaving old friends behind. I want my friends to help me grow and mature, and there are some friends that hold me back from that. So don't take it personally, I am helping us both..
To all my friends out there, know I love you and I will try to be the best friend I can be.