It happens to the best of us. We fall into a slump and we do not know how to get out of it. We are not too sure what to do next or how to get where we want to be. There are a few ways that we can find ourselves in the spirit of goal crushing again and they range from chats with friends to coffee dates. Check out 5 steps to inspiration below!
1. Make a list
Sit down and have an honest conversation with yourself. What do you want to accomplish? What are your big goals? Who do you want to become? Answering these questions might help get your creative juices flowing so you can find your next step.
2. Send a text or email
It is always hard to commit to sending that first text. Sometimes it is because you are scared and you are unsure what the outcome will be but you will never know until you try. Do not be afraid to put yourself out there to see what opportunities can be created!
3. Create an organized environment
A clean room or workspace can work wonders for the brain. Not only will you feel great about having a clean and organized space to work in but you also will be less distracted by your mess and will be able to focus on your work. A great tactic is to set a timer for 20 minutes each day and speed clean as much as you can in that amount of time. Soon enough your entire space will be organized!
4. Find an accountability buddy
Having a friend or mentor that will help encourage you and keep you on track is another great way to keep up the momentum. Achieving your goals is not a one-man show and requires the help and support of others. Let them know what you are trying to accomplish and ask them to check in with you on a regular basis so you can share what steps you've taken to achieve your goals and ask for help when you need it!
5. Do something for yourself
At the end of the day, you are most important. Sometimes finding inspiration starts when we feel we are at our best. Take yourself on a coffee date, get your nails done, or bake a cake, but find something that makes you feel good inside so you can bring that positive energy into your quest for goal crushing.