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7 Reasons Watermelons Are The Best Fruit, And If You Disagree, You're Bananas

Yum. Yum. Yum.

7 Reasons Watermelons Are The Best Fruit, And If You Disagree, You're Bananas

Don't get me wrong, I love all types of fruits! However, I've always had a soft spot for watermelons. They are just so delicious, juicy, and fulfilling. Here are some of the ways that I think that this fruit is the best one of them all.

They are amazingly hydrating 


Don't have a water bottle? Just go ahead and take a big bite out of your watermelon and your thirst should go away. I mean the word water is included within the word watermelon.

Do you even lift bro?


Doesn't it suck when you work out hardcore and the next day you can't even walk properly? According to a recent study, potassium and magnesium-rich juice of the watermelon has the ability to relieve muscle soreness. This means that watermelons will help you walk normally the next day after your workout.

They're your low calorie best friend 


Did you know that watermelons have a very low-calorie count? They aren't just really good, but you can enjoy them without worrying about all the calories you take in. According to LiveScience, they're actually one of the lowest calorie fruits.

Arts and crafts is a big possibility 


Watermelons are not just for eating. They are also a good canvas for anyone who is good at carving. These fruits are a great way to express your creativity.

This fruit demonstrates color at its finest 


Watermelons are so cute because they have a unique red to them. Their base color is green, and these two colors compliment each other so well. I don't know about you, but I am a big fan of the colors it contains.

Variety is a given 


There are so many ways that you can enjoy your watermelon. There isn't just one way or the right way to eat it. For example, you can cut it by slices, cut it up in cubes, blend it, or incorporate it in juices.

Who said it was just made for eating?


If you didn't know, now you do. People tend to use watermelons as organic scrubs for their body. You can enjoy the hydration of the fruits once you apply it on.

I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about this majestic fruit. For some people, it is just a regular fruit, but it is my number one fruit on my grocery list.

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