My most recent trip to Mexico really opened my eyes on a very important topic that most people take for granted. That topic is the importance of drinking water. During my trip, I noticed that a lot of my family members would drink soda, coffee, well...everything but water. I even heard that a few of them have fallen ill due to the lack of drinking water for weeks. The sad part is that water bottles in Mexico are a lot of times much bigger than the ones here in the U.S., with a typical plastic water bottle being one liter. All of the variety of water bottle brands that I saw all had the same message written on them one way or another: "love your body... drink water... it is essential for life". Here are some reasons why water is the most important drink one could ever have.
1. Water makes up most of your body.
Approximately 65% of your body is composed of water. If you don't drink enough water, your body will begin to break down, leading to dehydration and kidney failure. The reason for this is because drinking water on a regular basis will allow the smooth regulation of your digestive and circulatory systems and making sure that the nutrients circulate properly in the body, as well as prevent constipation.
2. Water keeps you energized.
If you are falling asleep in your 8 a.m. class and forgot to make or buy coffee, water makes an excellent quick fix. In fact, the reason you may be tired later on during the day may not be because you are tired, but because your body is telling you that it needs water. If your cells do not have enough water, you begin to lose energy and feel fatigued. However, by drinking water, your energy levels actually go up, almost as much as a cup of coffee.
3. Water helps you lose weight.
Rather than bringing energy drinks such as Gatorade or Powerade to the gym, instead opt for a refillable bottle of water. Water on its own does not have any fat-burning material, but the fact that it is calorie-free and along with a healthy diet and exercise will help one lose weight. One can also maintain a healthy weight when drinking water because it regulates metabolism as well as appetite, meaning that one will feel fuller for longer after drinking water, resisting the need to eat unhealthy foods when one is hungry. In a Harvard University study, the group that drank water rather than other sugared and carbonated drinks ate less calories, and also ate less foods containing high amounts of fats, salt, sugar and cholesterol.
4. Water keeps your skin healthy.
Want to know a simple an inexpensive way of keeping your skin looking healthy and clear? Drink water! When one is dehydrated, your skin will begin to look dry and wrinkled. It moisturizes the skin, allowing it to restore its healthy glow. When eating healthy foods at the same time, it also reduces the appearance of acne on one's face.
5. Water is beneficial for your overall health.
In addition to the reasons stated above, water is known to relieve headaches, joint and back pain, and even decrease the risk of certain types of cancers, including colon cancer, bladder cancer and breast cancer, as well as it aids in flushing away disease-causing bacteria. Humans are able to survive without food for a month, but only a week without water, so drink up! Water is essential for you, and it is what keeps you alive every day!
Information for this article was found on WebMD. For more information, click here.