Teetering back and forth on her father’s shoulders, the young girl eagerly anticipates the sun’s disappearance over the river. Most of her summer nights were completed like this: a walk to the end of the dock around sunset. With the warm air embracing her and father, the world escaped the daytime and tucked itself in for the night. Listening closely for the sizzling of the sun as it meets the river, the little girl shuts her eyes and lets her toothless grin stretch from ear to ear. She finds utter peace in the reality that the sun will rise tomorrow and find its way across the sky in time to say goodnight again tomorrow evening.
What’s this have to do with college? Well, I relive this memory of myself to escape the stress and pressure of the end of the semester. Traveling back in time to when my nights were not spent on the second floor of a library and my days weren't swamped with excessive note-taking, but rather, where my daily activities included dress-up and fort building. There is no harm in putting in some hard work to reap the benefits later, but it is difficult to remain stress-free and motivated when no end is in sight. But, have no fear: your trusty naïve freshman is here to tell you a few ways to make it through the bulk of the semester with all ten fingers, at least nine toes and a brain stocked full of knowledge to carry out into the scary unknown that society calls the “real world.”
First, channel your inner wanderer and discover something new on your campus. At first, it might be difficult to shut your organic chemistry book or throw your psychology notes into the wind, but in the end, it is all worth it. Perhaps an adventure for the perfect sunset viewing location will lead you to the fifth level of the St. Phillip street parking garage. Or, a quick walk around campus during your study break could result in a spontaneous shopping trip at a local boutique. And, even if your grades are not so hot, you’ll have a stunning new outfit/piece of home décor/puppy (if you’re anything like me) to come home to after the exam. So, put some walking shoes on and free your mind of all things school as you dive into the beauty that has surrounded you all semester.
If your sense of adventure has been put on the shelf next to all the textbooks you haven’t cracked open this semester, maybe you can rid yourself of stress by exploring the depths of the Internet. Truthfully, I wholeheartedly support fresh air and a little exercise, but, if you’re pressed for time and need to stay in your study zone, the Internet can be a great tool. This is not the time to start investigating the deep, dark chambers hidden beneath the surface, but rather a time to watch one too many cat videos. Or (do not tell anyone) catch up on new Kardashian drama or celebrity gossip you have missed because of the eight-page research paper and lab report you have due. Suppress your love of pop culture and lighthearted memes no more! Click the escape button on your exam review that is filling your computer screen and let the internet drag you in.
I may or may not be very good at both of these activities and have just passed them off as stress relief activities because I do them too often. Regardless of how often you can, taking a little time to free your mind of your course materials is a necessary trait of any successful studier (I am not qualified to make this statement, but I know someone much smarter has proven this to be true!). College is hard -- it is not for the faint-hearted, but it does not have to lack fun.